How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (2024)

When it comes to different physique goals, it seems that there is an equal split between people who are looking to slim down and get thinner thighs and people who are looking to get bigger thighs.

If you have dealt with chronically skinny legs most of your life, you are likely in the camp that is interested in how to get thicker thighs or how to get bigger thighs.

The good news is that there are plenty of exercises that can help you bulk up your legs and get stronger, thicker thighs.

In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions for the best exercises for how to get thicker thighs as well as programming instructions for putting together a workout for bigger thighs.

We will also provide some additional tips to support muscle growth with your thick thighs workouts to help transform skinny legs into meaty thighs.

We will cover the following:

  • How to Get Thicker Thighs
  • The 5 Best Exercises for Bigger Thighs

Let’s dive in!

How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (1)

How to Get Thicker Thighs

In addition to choosing the best exercises for how to get bigger thighs, it is important to program your workouts for thick thighs in ways that will optimize muscle growth (hypertrophy).

The best exercises for thick thighs are those that target the muscle groups in the thighs.

The primary muscles that run down the anterior or front side of the thighs are the quadriceps, known as the quads, and the hamstrings on the back of the thighs.

The quads are responsible for hip flexion and knee extension, so having strong quads will help you run faster, jump higher, and squat heavier weights.

The hamstrings muscle group consists of three muscles—the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris—and the hamstrings extend the leg at the hip, helping straighten your leg behind your body and flex or bend the knee.

How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (2)

In addition to the quads and hamstrings, workouts for bigger thighs should include exercises that target the adductors, which are the muscles that run along the inner thighs and help bring the leg toward the midline of the body after it has been swung out to the side.

The adductors in the inner thighs include the adductor magnus, adductor brevis, and adductor longus, along with the pectineus.

The muscles on the outer thighs are relatively slender, even when you have thick thighs.

The tensor fascia latae runs alongside the outer thigh and is covered by the thick band of fibrous connective tissue known as the iliotibial band, which is not a muscle.

We will provide step-by-step instructions for some of the best exercises for thicker thighs below, but your thick thighs workouts should focus primarily on compound exercises.

Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that involve several muscle groups working together.

How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (3)

Research suggests that compound exercises tend to be most effective at triggering muscle growth or hypertrophy.

Adding isolation exercises (which are those that involve moving a single joint and primarily targeting a single muscle group) can also be added to hypertrophy workouts to support muscle gains.

Additionally, it is important to perform your thick thighs workouts with enough training volume to build muscle.

For each workout for bigger thighs, strive to perform three sets of each exercise. Use a weight that is about 65 to 85% of your one repetition maximum (1RM) for 8-12 reps per set.

If you can perform more than 12 reps in a set with proper form before needing a break, you need to increase the weight that you are using.

Make sure that you vary the exercises you are performing each workout for thick thighs, either by changing the exercises altogether or using different types of resistance (dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, cables, weight machines, etc.) and different weights and reps ranges.

How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (4)

For example, in one of your thick thigh workouts per week, you might use a weight that corresponds to 85% of your 1RM for 8 reps.

Then, during a separate thigh mass workout in the week, you might use a slightly lighter weight that is closer to 65% of your 1RM, but you perform 12 reps per set per exercise.

Depending on your overall workout routine and the other types of exercises you perform during the week, add 2 to 3 leg workouts for mass per week.

Doing your workouts for thick thighs once a week will likely not be enough of a training stimulus to induce significant muscle growth.

Also note that when you’re trying to get bigger legs, it’s important that you’re getting in enough total calories as well as enough protein, particularly after your workouts.

Most evidence suggests you need to be in a caloric surplus to build muscle, typically suggested to be about 10% above your total daily energy expenditure.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that athletes consume at least 1.2–2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

The 5 Best Exercises for Bigger Thighs

Here are some of the best exercises for bigger thighs:

#1: Barbell Back Squats

The back squat is a foundational leg exercise for mass and strength.

Here is how to do a back squat:

  1. Stand inside the squat rack with your feet about shoulder-width apart, chest up, shoulders down, and abs engaged, holding the barbell along your upper traps and shoulders.
  2. Bend your knees and sit your hips back as far as possible as you squat down. Make sure that your knees do not travel forward beyond your toes.
  3. When your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your knees are bent to 90°, pause at the bottom position of the squat and then press powerfully through your heels to stand all the way back up.

#2: Hack Squats

The hack squat is a great exercise for thicker thighs because the fixed plane of motion allows you to lift heavier loads than barbell squats.

Here are the steps for this thigh workout exercise:

  1. Stand on the platform of the hack squat machine with good squat posture and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Sit your hips back as you bend your knees, slowly lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are bent to 90°.
  3. Explode through your heels to stand all the way back up.

#3: Leg Press

The leg press is one of the best quad hypertrophy exercises because the fixed plane allows you to lift super loads, which in turn leads to a greater muscle-building stimulus for your quads and glutes.

Plus, because you are seated and pressing the load from the weight stack, your spine isn’t loaded, which can prevent back pain.

Here are the steps for this quad muscle hypertrophy exercise:

  1. Lie back on the leg press machine with your head and back fully supported, gripping the handles. Your knees should be bent to 90 degrees, and your feet up on the platform a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Explosively press through your heels to extend your legs without fully locking out your knees.
  3. Bend your knees to return to the starting position slowly.

#4: Bulgarian Split Squats

The Bulgarian split squat is one of the best exercises for thicker thighs and increasing leg mass.

Here are the steps:

  1. Stand facing away from a weight bench with your feet staggered so that the toes of one foot are back behind you on the bench and your front foot is far enough forward that when you drop into a lunge, your front knee does not extend beyond your toes.
  2. Hold dumbbells down at your sides or a barbell across your upper traps.
  3. Bend your knees to drop down into a split squat until the thigh of your front leg is parallel to the ground.
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds.
  5. Explode through your heel to return to the standing position.
  6. Complete all of your reps and then switch sides.

#5: Barbell Deadlifts

Workouts for thicker thighs should also include exercises for the posterior chain muscles, including the hamstrings.

Barbell deadlifts are one of the best exercises for the hamstrings and glutes.

Here are the steps:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and the bar over your midfoot.
  2. Squat down and grab the bar with your hands just outside hip-width while keeping your back straight and chest up.
  3. Engage your hamstrings and glutes to stand back up, pulling the bar up in front of your shins.
  4. Sit your hips back again to slowly lower the bar back to the floor.

For more information about building muscle and transforming your body, check out our guide for how to get rid of skinny arms here.

How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (5)
How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs! (2024)


How To Get Thicker Thighs: 5 Exercises To Get Bigger Thighs!? ›

The best exercises to increase the size of your thigh muscles include squats, good mornings, side lunge, curtsy squat, wall squat, reverse lunge, step-ups and lunges.

How can I increase my thigh size fast? ›

Mountain biking, hill cycling, uphill hiking, and sports that involve jumping, kicking or explosive running are all great for thigh muscle development. Avoid jogging for more than 3-4 hours per week because too much long distance running may burn down muscle bulk in the thighs.

How to lose 5 inches of thigh fat? ›

Increase resistance training

Participating in total-body, muscle-strengthening activities at least twice a week may help burn calories, reduce fat mass, and strengthen your thighs. Include lower body exercises such as lunges, wall sits, inner/outer thigh lifts, and step-ups with just your body weight.

What makes my thighs so big? ›

Thigh fat is typically caused by an excess of weight being carried in the thighs, usually from people who are currently or have been obese. Yet, thin people can have thigh fat, too. Other common causes of thigh fat include genetics, age, and hormonal levels.

Are my thighs fat or muscle? ›

Your muscles would also be larger in size or feel "harder." If you gain fat, you'll notice more softness or flabbiness, and you'll gain inches.

Are thighs hard to grow? ›

Leg muscles can be tough to build up, because they're already so strong from daily use. To get bigger leg muscles you have to take your training to the next level and push your legs like never before. Using the right training techniques and eating plenty of protein will pay off in the end.

Is it hard to grow thighs? ›

The leg muscles are major muscle groups and can take a lot of work, so be sure to train your legs hard and heavy. But it's not all about training. You also need to pay attention to your diet, recovery, and supplements to build bigger thighs.

How can a 13 year old lose thigh fat fast? ›

Try simple exercises like lunges (both forward and side lunges), squats, and leg lifts. Gyms and sports clubs have resistance machines that can help you tone up specific areas, like your upper and inner thighs.

Is 20 inch thighs fat? ›

A thigh circumference of 20 inches is not large. And, it is impossible for it to be half fat - you have bone, muscle, tissue, skin, and likely a bit of fat, but that is completely normal and just fine.

What exercises burn thigh fat? ›

Here are some effective exercises to target this area.
  1. Sumo squat. Set your feet out wide, turning toes out to about the 10:00 and 2:00 positions. ...
  2. Side lunge. Stand tall with your feet together. ...
  3. Curtsy lunge. Stand tall with your feet together. ...
  4. Skater. ...
  5. Side-lying adduction.
Dec 7, 2021

Are big thighs attractive? ›

In their study, Vartanian et al4 concluded that a wide upper thigh, with an optimal transition from the buttock to the thigh, was the most attractive shape. Therefore, both gluteus and thighs should be increased simultaneously.

Are thick thighs good? ›

Multiple studies have found that people with bigger thighs have a lower risk of developing heart disease , diabetes, and premature death . These findings might seem counterintuitive, considering the well-known link between high body fat percentage and various health issues. However, not all fat is created equal.

Why do thighs get skinny? ›

Nutrition plays a key role in leaning out thick legs. In addition to regular exercise, you will need to eat a healthy diet that is low in calories but high in nutrients for fat-loss. Fill your plate with vegetables primarily, as well as lean protein, some fruits and healthy fats.

How to become thick? ›

10 quick tips
  1. Avoid drinking water before meals. This can fill your stomach and make it harder to get enough calories ( 35 ).
  2. Eat more often. ...
  3. Drink milk. ...
  4. Try weight gainer shakes. ...
  5. Use bigger plates. ...
  6. Add cream to your coffee. ...
  7. Take creatine. ...
  8. Get quality sleep.

How to get thick legs? ›

The key to building bigger, stronger legs is to place a primary focus on compound exercises, which target multiple muscle groups at once under greater load. Examples of compound exercises include squats, deadlifts and lunges, and they're essential for building strength and muscle.

What should I eat to get thick thighs? ›

A moment on the lips: Diet choices to gain weight in the legs
  1. meat like steak, pork, and chicken.
  2. olive oil or avocado oil for cooking.
  3. grains, including whole-grain bread, oatmeal, and quinoa.
  4. bananas, grapes, melon, and berries (y'know, all sorts of fruit)
  5. potatoes, lima beans, cassava, and other starchy veg.

What foods help gain weight in thighs? ›

Some of the best foods for bulking up :
  • meats like sirloin steak, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, and tilapia.
  • dairy like cheese, yogurt, and low fat milk.
  • grains like oatmeal, quinoa, and whole-grain breads.
  • fruits like bananas, grapes, watermelon, and berries.
  • starchy vegetables like potatoes, lima beans, and cassava.
Aug 27, 2020

What foods help your thighs grow? ›

A moment on the lips: Diet choices to gain weight in the legs
  • meat like steak, pork, and chicken.
  • olive oil or avocado oil for cooking.
  • grains, including whole-grain bread, oatmeal, and quinoa.
  • bananas, grapes, melon, and berries (y'know, all sorts of fruit)
  • potatoes, lima beans, cassava, and other starchy veg.

How long do thighs take to grow? ›

You can see small results in even two to four weeks, after you begin a leg workout. You will have better stamina, and your legs will look a little more defined. But all in all, depending on your fitness levels, it does take three to four months for any remarkable difference.

How can I build my thighs in a week? ›

Engage in regular strength training: Strength training exercises, such as squats, lunges, and leg press, can help build muscle mass in the thighs and hips. Aim to incorporate strength training exercises into your workout routine at least two to three times per week.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.