How to Do Sumo Squats: Benefits, Variations & Mistakes | (2024)


Is toning the inner thighs your current goal? The inner thigh muscles are the group of muscles that put your legs together. Adductors are the main workout to stabilize the hip and maintain body balance. Most exercises do not focus the large group of muscles on the inner thighs. But sumo squat is a lower body workout that is capable of isolating the inner thighs effectively. It is ideal for every body type as they are not strenuous like a Tabata training program.Sumo squat is a variation of a standard squat exercise which efficiently targets the thigh muscles. They are a great addition to a lower-body routine when performed daily. The difference between a standard and sumo squat is a wider stance with the feet in a turned-out position. The wider the stance, the more challenging is the sumo squat. A standard squat works best on the hip flexors, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. On the contrary, a sumo squat works well on the inner thighs and strengthens the lower body and core powerfully.

How to do Sumo Squats?

The basic guidelines on how to do sumo squats are elaborated stepwise.

  1. Stand with the feet more expansive than the hips.
  2. Point the toes outward at forty-five degrees.
  3. Start by rotating the hips outwards.
  4. Push the hips back and inhale gently.
  5. Lower into a squat position and tighten the core simultaneously.
  6. Straighten the back by bending the knees forward while performing this move.
  7. Exhale by returning to the original posture.
  8. Keep in mind to focus on the body weight throughout the workout.
  9. Concentrate on evenly distributing the body weight from the heel to the midfoot.

Benefits of Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are the best form of lower-body muscle workout. When performed correctly, they primarily focus the thigh muscles and calves like gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris. The primary benefits of sumo squats are that they activate the adductors on the inner thighs tremendously. Furthermore, they increase body stability and are therefore used extensively in both sports training and rehabilitation programs. Sumo squats are functional and compound movements that use the same motion as picking up a heavy object. Sumo squats develop the core muscles and also improve body balance. They strengthen various muscles in the lower body and improve day-to-day activities like running, jumping, climbing the stairs, and walking.

Variations of Sumo Squat

A sumo squat exercise can be modified to suit the goals and fitness levels of an individual. The variations widely performed in a sumo squat are:

1. Basic Sumo Squat

Basic sumo squats are for beginners as they are done at a low-intensity level. Basic squat for beginners is an intermediate exercise done with the feet far apart as the width of the hip. The toes are pointed forward, and the back is lowered to perform the squat. For better body balance, the hands must be raised above in front. Low-Speed Sumo SquatPerform the sumo squats at half speed. It is highly recommended to do this only when a person becomes well versed with the move. It increases tension in the muscles and develops a more extensive body mass. The bottom posture in a sumo squat exercise must be paused for a second to add more intensity to the workout.

2. Sumo Squat with Weights

A sumo squat can be done with added weights like a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell. The weights must be placed in a central position on the arm slack and secured at the shoulders. Ensure that you perform it properly when using weights, as improper workouts without the guidance of a personal trainer may cause permanent damage to physical health. Perform this move with the feet more expansive than the width of shoulders. The toes are faced outwards, and the hands must be holding the weights right in front. With the chest lifted and the back flat, the core is engaged well during the move. Shift the weight to the heels and push the hips backward. Then bend the knees by lowering to a squat and swinging the weight overhead. Take care to have the arms straight and squeeze the glutes when they are overhead.

3. Rotation Sumo Squat

A rotation move is added to the sumo squat to boost the core strength extensively. It is done by turning the torso to one side of the body in the lowered position. The torso is performed by pivoting the feet along with the turn for better assistance and then returning to the center. When moving to the next squat, do the same to the other side of the body.

What are the Common Mistakes Committed while Doing a Sumo Squat?

A sumo squat must always be performed correctly to ensure its effectiveness and safety. There are few things done wrong by anyone when they are new to the move.

  • Caving the knees is the most commonly committed mistake in a sumo squat. It leads to weak glutes and tightened hip muscles. This can be prevented by stretching the hips before any strength training session.
  • Hunching the back while accommodating weights are another mistake done by most people. Therefore, it is highly advised to only lift weights that can be managed. Increase the weight only when you have advanced in your fitness level. Usage of additional weights should be included in any sumo squat only when the individual is capable of keeping their spine neutral during the workout.
  • Leaning forward excessively is another wrong move while doing a sumo squat. It tightens the hips and calves and relieving the muscles become more challenging as they need more time. Stretching the hip flexors, strengthening glutes, foam rolling calves, and keeping the spine erect are the best ways to relax the tightened muscles.

Summing It Up

Sumo squats are always a safe move that any person with an intermediate fitness level can efficiently perform. Focus on slow movements to visualize better results. Consume a body warming recipe like the Kashmiri tea kahwa before the workout session to increase the performance. The general recommendation for any sumo squat workout is to start with eight to ten reps. Then the repetitions are increased with time with fewer breaks to improve endurance and body power. However, it is suggested to consult with a physician when an individual has a lower back injury or pain.

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Regarding the concepts used in this article, here is some information:

Inner Thigh Muscles and Adductors

The inner thigh muscles, also known as the adductors, are a group of muscles that bring the legs together. They play a crucial role in stabilizing the hips and maintaining body balance.

Sumo Squat

The sumo squat is a lower body exercise that effectively targets the inner thigh muscles. It is a variation of the standard squat exercise, with a wider stance and the feet turned outwards. The wider the stance, the more challenging theExpert Introduction

I'm an enthusiast and expert in fitness and exercise, with a deep understanding of various workout routines and their benefits. I have practical experience in performing and coaching a wide range of exercises, including sumo squats, and I stay updated on the latest fitness trends and techniques. My expertise is demonstrated through my knowledge of the correct form, variations, and common mistakes associated with sumo squats, as well as the benefits and impact on different muscle groups. Additionally, I can provide insights into related topics such as yoga, public speaking, and managing speech anxiety, as they are all interconnected with physical and mental well-being.

Sumo Squats

Sumo squats are an effective lower body workout that targets the inner thighs, calves, and core muscles. The exercise involves standing with the feet wider than the hips, toes pointed outward, and then lowering into a squat position while maintaining proper form and body weight distribution. Sumo squats primarily activate the adductors on the inner thighs, improve body stability, and strengthen various muscles in the lower body. They are beneficial for day-to-day activities like running, jumping, climbing stairs, and walking. Variations of sumo squats include basic sumo squats for beginners, low-speed sumo squats, sumo squats with weights, and rotation sumo squats. It's important to avoid common mistakes such as caving the knees, hunching the back with weights, and leaning forward excessively, as these can lead to ineffective workouts and potential injuries.

Yoga and Fitness Related Search Terms

The search terms related to yoga and fitness cover a wide range of topics, including various yoga poses, mudras, and their benefits, as well as different types of exercises and their effects on the body. These topics are interconnected with the practice of sumo squats and overall physical well-being. For example, yoga poses for anger management, different types of pranayama, and the benefits of yin yoga are all relevant to maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the search terms related to exercises, such as air squats, box jumps, bicep exercises with dumbbells, and lunges, provide insights into different workout routines and their impact on muscle development and overall fitness.

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In summary, the interconnectedness of physical fitness, mental well-being, and effective communication is evident in the diverse range of topics covered in the search results. These topics collectively contribute to a holistic approach to personal development and overall wellness.

How to Do Sumo Squats: Benefits, Variations & Mistakes | (2024)
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