Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (2024)

  • 8 of the best exercises to grow your glutes
  • Glute workout by Bethany Thomlinson

Looking for a workout that willhelp to give you defined legs and a sculpted butt? Not to mention help to increase your athletic performance and prevent knee and back pain?

We're sharing 8 great glute exercises to include in your training routine that will do all of the above! And, if you'd prefer a glute specific workout, we've askedfitness influencer @beth_fitnessukto share her routine withPureGym Insider @emilypuregym- and we've included it below so you can follow along with yourself.

8 of the best exercises to grow your glutes

Growing your glutes doesn't happen overnight unfortunately! Adding in glute focused exercises to your weekly workouts will help to grow your glutes faster, with many people seeing a difference in just a few months. The best way to grow any muscle is to progressively add more stimulus to the muscle, so make sure you increase either your weight or reps each week, and make sure to eat enough protein.

We've listed the exercises below, but make sure you watch the video if you need to see how the exercise looks.

Glute workout by Bethany Thomlinson

Watch the video below to see the workout and see the full breakdown of this workout under the video so you can save it for later for your next leg workout.

For this workout you will need a barbell, weighted plates, a pair of barbell clips, a set of dumbbells and a resistance band.

Barbell Hip Thrusts - 4x10 -12 reps

Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (1)

Designed to help you improve your glute strength, shape and size this exercise should become one of fundamental movements in your glute workout. This exercise will also benefit your squats and deadlift through improving your glute power and strengthening the lower back and leg muscles.

For this you will need a barbell, bench and weights. Resting your upper back on the bench push up creating a 90 degree from where your foot is to your knee. Ensure you are always looking forward and keeping you chin to your chest so you are not hurting your spine. Complete 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

Step ups - 4x10 reps

Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (2)

This move is a great conditioning exercise and will help you develop explosive leg power. Not to mention it will save your lower back.

Place one foot on the bench, which will be the working leg. Pushing through the heel of your foot bring your other leg up to the bench. This is 1 rep, aim for 4 sets of 10 before moving on. If you want to make the exercise harder add in some weights by either placing a barbell on your back or holding a dumbbell in each hand.

split squats - 3x10 reps

Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (3)

A great functional movement that allows you to build single leg strength and stability. This exercise is fantastic for adding size to quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Lunge forward placing your trailing leg on the bench. Squat down, pushing through the heel on the floor so you can feel it in the glutes. Make sure youget nice and low, buttry avoid your knee touching the floor.This time we are going for 3 sets of 10 reps on each legs.

Walking Lunge - 3x10 reps

Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (4)

This exercise allows you to focus on the activation of the glute to build and tone the muscle and again will help you achieve a symmetrically toned body by working one leg at a time.

Step forward takinga nice wide stance to help activate the glutes. Sink down slowly, again avoid the knee touching the floor and squeeze on the way up. As we did last time 3 rounds of 10 reps on each leg.

Banded Kickbacks - 3 sets to failure

Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (5)

Kickbacks improve your muscle strength and tone, helping to create sculpted legs. They also improve core stability!

This exercise is great as a finisher. Place a heavy resistance band just above the knee andget into a plank position with your knees on the ground. First of allyou want to kick the leg out behind you and then out to the side. This is a high rep exercise, going until failure and alternating between legs. Perform the exercise 3 times through.

Thatcompletes this workout. For more support check out our free Exercises section and get a breakdown on how to perform different exercises for different muscles groups. You can also check out our Best Glutes Exercises for Women guide for further inspiration.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or opinions, but I can provide you with information on the concepts used in this article.

Glute Exercises for Defined Legs and a Sculpted Butt

The article discusses eight exercises that can help grow your glutes, define your legs, and sculpt your butt. These exercises can also improve athletic performance and prevent knee and back pain. Adding glute-focused exercises to your weekly workout routine can lead to noticeable results in a few months.

Progressive Overload and Protein Intake

To grow any muscle, including the glutes, it's important to progressively add more stimulus to the muscle over time. This can be achieved by increasing the weight or reps each week. Additionally, ensuring an adequate intake of protein is essential for muscle growth. Eating enough protein supports muscle repair and growth.

The Eight Glute Exercises

The article lists the following eight glute exercises:

  1. Hip thrusts: This exercise involves thrusting your hips upward while resting your upper back on a bench. It targets the glutes, strengthens the lower back and leg muscles, and can improve squat and deadlift performance.

  2. Bulgarian split squats: This exercise is a unilateral movement that targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It involves lunging forward with one leg while placing the trailing leg on a bench.

  3. Single leg glute bridge: This exercise targets the glutes and can help improve glute strength and stability. It involves lifting one leg off the ground and thrusting the hips upward while lying on your back.

  4. Cable kickbacks: This exercise targets the glutes and can help improve muscle strength and tone. It involves attaching a cable to your ankle and kicking your leg backward while maintaining stability.

  5. Sumo squats: This exercise targets the glutes, quads, and inner thighs. It involves taking a wide stance with your feet pointed outward and squatting down while keeping your knees in line with your toes.

  6. Box step ups: This exercise helps develop explosive leg power and targets the glutes. It involves stepping up onto a bench or box with one leg and then stepping back down.

  7. Courtesy lunges: This exercise targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It involves stepping backward into a lunge position and then returning to the starting position.

  8. 1 ¼ goblet squats: This exercise targets the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It involves performing a squat while holding a weight close to your chest.

Glute Workout by Bethany Thomlinson

The article also provides a glute-specific workout routine by fitness influencer Bethany Thomlinson. The routine includes exercises such as barbell hip thrusts, step-ups, split squats, walking lunges, and banded kickbacks. The workout requires equipment such as a barbell, weighted plates, barbell clips, dumbbells, and a resistance band.


In conclusion, the article recommends incorporating glute-focused exercises into your training routine to grow your glutes, define your legs, and sculpt your butt. It emphasizes the importance of progressive overload and adequate protein intake for muscle growth. The provided glute workout routine offers a variety of exercises targeting the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and other muscle groups.

Glute workout: These exercises will help you to grow your glutes fast! (2024)
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