Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (2024)


Learning Objectives

  • Perform a respiratory assessment

  • Differentiate between normal and abnormal lung sounds

  • Modify assessment techniques to reflect variations across the life span

  • Document actions and observations

  • Recognize and report deviations from norms

The evaluation of the respiratory system includes collecting subjective and objective data through a detailed interview and physical examination of the thorax and lungs. This examination can offer significant clues related to issues associated with the body’s ability to obtain adequate oxygen to perform daily functions. Inadequacy in respiratory function can have significant implications for the overall health of the patient.


The main function of our respiratory system is to provide the body with a constant supply of oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide. To achieve these functions, muscles and structures of the thorax create the mechanical movement of air into and out of the lungs calledventilation.Respirationincludesventilation and gas exchange at the alveolar level where blood is oxygenated and carbon dioxide is removed. When completing a respiratory assessment, it is important for the nurse to understand the external and internal structures involved with respiration and ventilation. See Figure 10.1[1]for an illustration of the upper and lower respiratory system structures. Notice the lobular division of the lung structures and the bronchial tree.

Figure 10.1

Respiratory System Structures

For more information on basic oxygenation concepts, visit the “Oxygen Therapy” chapter of this book.

For more information about applying the nursing process to patients experiencing decreased oxygenation, visit the “Oxygenation” chapter in Open RNNursing Fundamentals.

For a detailed review of the respiratory system, common respiratory disorders, and related medications, visit the “Respiratory” chapter of the Open RNNursing Pharmacologytextbook. Specific sections of this chapter include the following:

Video Reviews of the Anatomy of the Respiratory System and Breathing Mechanics:

Respiratory System Anatomy[2]

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (2)

Respiratory System: Breathing Mechanics[3]

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (3)



Forciea, B. (2015, May 13).Respiratory system anatomy (v2.0). [Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/aqTwrdMS6CE.


Forciea, B. (2015, May 12).Anatomy and physiology: Respiratory system: Breathing mechanics (v2.0). [Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/X-J5Xgg3l6s.


With an understanding of the basic structures and primary functions of the respiratory system, the nurse collects subjective and objective data to perform a focused respiratory assessment.

Subjective Assessment

Collect data using interview questions, paying particular attention to what the patient is reporting. The interview should include questions regarding any current and past history of respiratory health conditions or illnesses, medications, and reported symptoms. Consider the patient’s age, gender, family history, race, culture, environmental factors, and current health practices when gathering subjective data. The information discovered during the interview process guides the physical exam and subsequent patient education. See Table 10.3a for sample interview questions to use during a focused respiratory assessment.[1]

Table 10.3a

Interview Questions for Subjective Assessment of the Respiratory System

Interview QuestionsFollow-up
Have you ever been diagnosed with a respiratory condition, such as asthma, COPD, pneumonia, or allergies?
Do you use oxygen or peak flow meter?
Do you use home respiratory equipment like CPAP, BiPAP, or nebulizer devices?
Please describe the conditions and treatments.
Are you currently taking any medications, herbs, or supplements for respiratory concerns?Please identify what you are taking and the purpose of each.
Have you had any feelings of breathlessness(dyspnea)?Note: If the shortness of breath is severe or associated with chest pain, discontinue the interview and obtain emergency assistance.
Are you having any shortness of breath now? If yes, please rate the shortness of breath from 0-10 with “0” being none and “10” being severe?
Does anything bring on the shortness of breath (such as activity, animals, food, or dust)? If activity causes the shortness of breath, how much exertion is required to bring on the shortness of breath?
When did the shortness of breath start?
Is the shortness of breath associated with chest pain or discomfort?
How long does the shortness of breath last?
What makes the shortness of breath go away?
Is the shortness of breath related to a position, like lying down? Do you sleep in a recliner or upright in bed?
Do you wake up at night feeling short of breath? How many pillows do you sleep on?
How does the shortness of breath affect your daily activities?
Do you have a cough?When you cough, do you bring up anything? What color is the phlegm?
Do you cough up any blood (hemoptysis)?
Do you have any associated symptoms with the cough such as fever, chills, or night sweats?
How long have you had the cough?
Does anything bring on the cough (such as activity, dust, animals, or change in position)?
What have you used to treat the cough? Has it been effective?
Do you smoke or vape?What products do you smoke/vape? If cigarettes are smoked, how many packs a day do you smoke?
How long have you smoked/vaped?
Have you ever tried to quit smoking/vaping? What strategies gave you the best success?
Are you interested in quitting smoking/vaping?
If the patient is ready to quit, the five successful interventions are the “5 A’s”: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, and Arrange.
Ask– Identify and document smoking status for every patient at every visit.
Advise– In a clear, strong, and personalized manner, urge every user to quit.
Assess– Is the user willing to make a quitting attempt at this time?
Assist– For the patient willing to make a quitting attempt, use counseling and pharmacotherapy to help them quit.
Arrange– Schedule follow-up contact, in person or by telephone, preferably within the first week after the quit date.[2]

Life Span Considerations

Depending on the age and capability of the child, subjective data may also need to be retrieved from a parent and/or legal guardian.

  • Is your child up-to-date with recommended immunizations?

  • Is your child experiencing any cold symptoms (such as runny nose, cough, or nasal congestion)?

  • How is your child’s appetite? Is there any decrease or change recently in appetite or wet diapers?

  • Does your child have any hospitalization history related to respiratory illness?

  • Did your child have any history of frequent ear infections as an infant?

  • Have you noticed a change in your breathing?

  • Do you get short of breath with activities that you did not before?

  • Can you describe your energy level? Is there any change from previous?

Objective Assessment

A focused respiratory objective assessment includes interpretation of vital signs; inspection of the patient’s breathing pattern, skin color, and respiratory status; palpation to identify abnormalities; and auscultation of lung sounds using a stethoscope. For more information regarding interpreting vital signs, see the “General Survey” chapter. The nurse must have an understanding of what is expected for the patient’s age, gender, development, race, culture, environmental factors, and current health condition to determine the meaning of the data that is being collected.

Evaluate Vital Signs

The vital signs may be taken by the nurse or delegated to unlicensed assistive personnel such as a nursing assistant or medical assistant. Evaluate the respiratory rate and pulse oximetry readings to verify the patient is stable before proceeding with the physical exam. The normal range of a respiratory rate for an adult is 12-20 breaths per minute at rest, and the normal range for oxygen saturation of the blood is 94–98% (SpO2)[3]Bradypneais less than 12 breaths per minute, andtachypneais greater than 20 breaths per minute.

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (4)

As a general rule of thumb, respiratory rates outside the normal range or oxygen saturation levels less than 95% indicate respiration or ventilation is compromised and requires follow-up. There are disease processes, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), where patients consistently exhibit below normal oxygen saturations; therefore, trends and deviations from the patient’s baseline normal values should be identified. A change in respiratory rate is an early sign of deterioration in a patient, and failing to recognize such a change can result in poor outcomes. For more information on obtaining and interpreting vital signs, see the “General Survey” chapter.


Inspection during a focused respiratory assessment includes observation of level of consciousness, breathing rate, pattern and effort, skin color, chest configuration, and symmetry of expansion.

  • Assess the level of consciousness. The patient should be alert and cooperative. Hypoxemia(low blood levels of oxygen) orhypercapnia(high blood levels of carbon dioxide) can cause a decreased level of consciousness, irritability, anxiousness, restlessness, or confusion.

  • Obtain the respiratory rate over a full minute. The normal range for the respiratory rate of an adult is 12-20 breaths per minute.

  • Observe the breathing pattern, including the rhythm, effort, and use ofaccessory muscles. Breathing effort should be nonlabored and in a regular rhythm. Observe the depth of respiration and note if the respiration is shallow or deep. Pursed-lip breathing, nasal flaring, audible breathing, intercostalretractions, anxiety, and use of accessory muscles are signs of respiratory difficulty. Inspiration should last half as long as expiration unless the patient is active, in which case the inspiration-expiration ratio increases to 1:1.

  • Observe pattern of expiration and patient position. Patients who experience difficulty expelling air, such as those with emphysema, may have prolonged expiration cycles. Some patients may experience difficulty with breathing specifically when lying down. This symptom is known asorthopnea. Additionally, patients who are experiencing significant breathing difficulty may experience most relief while in a “tripod” position. This can be achieved by having the patient sit at the side of the bed with legs dangling toward the floor. The patient can then rest their arms on an overbed table to allow for maximum lung expansion. This position mimics the same position you might take at the end of running a race when you lean over and place your hands on your knees to “catch your breath.”

  • Observe the patient’s color in their lips, face, hands, and feet. Patients with light skin tones should be pink in color. For those with darker skin tones, assess for pallor on the palms, conjunctivae, or inner aspect of the lower lip.Cyanosisis a bluish discoloration of the skin, lips, and nail beds, which may indicate decreased perfusion and oxygenation.Palloris the loss of color, or paleness of the skin or mucous membranes and usually the result of reduced blood flow, oxygenation, or decreased number of red blood cells.

  • Inspect the chest for symmetry and configuration. The trachea should be midline, and the clavicles should be symmetrical. See Figure 10.2[4]for visual landmarks when inspecting the thorax anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally. Note the location of the ribs, sternum, clavicle, and scapula, as well as the underlying lobes of the lungs.

    • Chest movement should be symmetrical on inspiration and expiration.

    • Observe the anterior-posterior diameter of the patient’s chest and compare to the transverse diameter. The expected anteroposterior-transverse ratio should be 1:2. A patient with a 1:1 ratio is described asbarrel-chested. This ratio is often seen in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to hyperinflation of the lungs. See Figure 10.3[5]for an image of a patient with a barrel chest.

    • Older patients may have changes in their anatomy, such askyphosis, an outward curvature of the spine.

  • Inspect the fingers for clubbing if the patient has a history of chronic respiratory disease.Clubbingis a bulbous enlargement of the tips of the fingers due to chronic hypoxia. See Figure 10.4[6]for an image of clubbing.

Figure 10.2

Landmarks of the Anterior, Posterior, and Lateral Thorax

Figure 10.3

Comparison of Chest with Normal Anterior/Posterior Diameter (A) to a Barrel Chest(B)

Figure 10.4

Clubbing of the Fingers


  • Palpation of the chest may be performed to investigate for areas of abnormality related to injury or procedural complications. For example, if a patient has a chest tube or has recently had one removed, the nurse may palpate near the tube insertion site to assess for areas of air leak or crepitus.Crepitusfeels like a popping or crackling sensation when the skin is palpated and is a sign of air trapped under the subcutaneous tissues. If palpating the chest, use light pressure with the fingertips to examine the anterior and posterior chest wall. Chest palpation may be performed to assess specifically for growths, masses, crepitus, pain, or tenderness.

  • Confirm symmetric chest expansion by placing your hands on the anterior or posterior chest at the same level, with thumbs over the sternum anteriorly or the spine posteriorly. As the patient inhales, your thumbs should move apart symmetrically. Unequal expansion can occur with pneumonia, thoracic trauma, such as fractured ribs, or pneumothorax.


Using the diaphragm of the stethoscope, listen to the movement of air through the airways during inspiration and expiration. Instruct the patient to take deep breaths through their mouth. Listen through the entire respiratory cycle because different sounds may be heard on inspiration and expiration. As you move across the different lung fields, the sounds produced by airflow vary depending on the area you are auscultating because the size of the airways change.

Correct placement of the stethoscope during auscultation of lung sounds is important to obtain a quality assessment. The stethoscope should not be performed over clothes or hair because these may create inaccurate sounds from friction. The best position to listen to lung sounds is with the patient sitting upright; however, if the patient is acutely ill or unable to sit upright, turn them side to side in a lying position. Avoid listening over bones, such as the scapulae or clavicles or over the female breasts to ensure you are hearing adequate sound transmission. Listen to sounds from side to side rather than down one side and then down the other side. This side-to-side pattern allows you to compare sounds in symmetrical lung fields. See Figure 10.5[7]and Figure 10.6[8]for landmarks of stethoscope placement over the anterior and posterior chest wall.

Figure 10.5

Anterior Auscultation Areas

Figure 10.6

Posterior Auscultation Areas

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (10)

When assessing patients who are experiencing shortness of breath (or fatigue easily), it may be helpful to begin auscultation in the bases and progress upward to other lung fields as tolerated by the patient. This ensures that assessment of the vulnerable lower lobes is achieved prior to patient fatigue.


It is important upon auscultation to have awareness of expected breath sounds in various anatomical locations.

  • Bronchial breath soundsare heard over the trachea and larynx and are high-pitched and loud.

  • Bronchovesicular soundsare medium-pitched and heard over the major bronchi.

  • Vesicular breath soundsare heard over the lung surfaces, are lower-pitched, and often described as soft, rustling sounds.


Adventitious lung sounds are sounds heard in addition to normal breath sounds. They most often indicate an airway problem or disease, such as accumulation of mucus or fluids in the airways, obstruction, inflammation, or infection. These sounds include rales/crackles, rhonchi/wheezes, stridor, and pleural rub:

View a You Tube video on Rhonchi Lung Sounds:

Life Span Considerations


There are various respiratory assessment considerations that should be noted with assessment of children.

  • The respiratory rate in children less than 12 months of age can range from 30-60 breaths per minute, depending on whether the infant is asleep or active.

  • Infants have irregular or periodic newborn breathing in the first few weeks of life; therefore, it is important to count the respirations for a full minute. During this time, you may notice periods ofapnealasting up to 10 seconds. This is not abnormal unless the infant is showing other signs of distress. Signs of respiratory distress in infants and children include nasal flaring and sternal or intercostal retractions.

  • Up to three months of age, infants are considered “obligate” nose-breathers, meaning their breathing is primarily through the nose.

  • The anteroposterior-transverse ratio is typically 1:1 until the thoracic muscles are fully developed around six years of age.


As the adult person ages, the cartilage and muscle support of the thorax becomes weakened and less flexible, resulting in a decrease in chest expansion. Older adults may also have weakened respiratory muscles, and breathing may become more shallow. The anteroposterior-transverse ratio may be 1:1 if there is significant curvature of the spine (kyphosis).


Percussion is an advanced respiratory assessment technique that is used by advanced practice nurses and other health care providers to gather additional data in the underlying lung tissue. By striking the fingers of one hand over the fingers of the otherhand, a sound is produced over the lung fields that helps determine if fluid is present. Dull sounds are heard with high-density areas, such as pneumonia oratelectasis, whereas clear, low-pitched, hollow sounds are heard in normal lung tissue.

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (11)

  • Because infants breathe primarily through the nose, nasal congestion can limit the amount of air getting into the lungs.

  • Attempt to assess an infant’s respiratory rate while the infant is at rest and content rather than when the infant is crying. Counting respirations by observing abdominal breathing movements may be easier for the novice nurse than counting breath sounds, as it can be difficult to differentiate lung and heart sounds when auscultating newborns.

  • Auscultation of lungs during crying is not a problem. It will enhance breath sounds.

  • The older patient may have a weakening of muscles that support respiration and breathing. Therefore, the patient may report tiring easily during the assessment when taking deep breaths. Break up the assessment by listening to the anterior lung sounds and then the heart sounds and allowing the patient to rest before listening to the posterior lung sounds.

  • Patients with end-stage COPD may have diminished lung sounds due to decreased air movement. This abnormal assessment finding may be the patient’s baseline or normal and might also include wheezes and fine crackles as a result of chronic excess secretions and/or bronchoconstriction.[10],[11]

Expected Versus Unexpected Findings

See Table 10.3b for a comparison of expected versus unexpected findings when assessing the respiratory system.[12]

Table 10.3b

Expected Versus Unexpected Respiratory Assessment Findings

AssessmentExpected FindingsUnexpected Findings (Document and notify provider if a new finding*)
InspectionWork of breathing effortless
Regular breathing pattern
Respiratory rate within normal range for age
Chest expansion symmetrical
Absence of cyanosis or pallor
Absence of accessory muscle use, retractions, and/or nasal flaring
Anteroposterior: transverse diameter ratio 1:2
Labored breathing
Irregular rhythm
Increased or decreased respiratory rate
Accessory muscle use, pursed-lip breathing, nasal flaring (infants), and/or retractions
Presence of cyanosis or pallor
Asymmetrical chest expansion
Clubbing of fingernails
PalpationNo pain or tenderness with palpation. Skin warm and dry; no crepitus or massesPain or tenderness with palpation, crepitus, palpable masses, or lumps
PercussionClear, low-pitched, hollow sound in normal lung tissueDull sounds heard with high-density areas, such as pneumonia or atelectasis
AuscultationBronchovesicular and vesicular sounds heard over appropriate areas
Absence of adventitious lung sounds
Diminished lung sounds
Adventitious lung sounds, such as fine crackles/rales, wheezing, stridor, or pleural rub
*CRITICAL CONDITIONS to report immediatelyDecreased oxygen saturation <92%[13]
Worsening dyspnea
Decreased level of consciousness, restlessness, anxiousness, and/or irritability

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (12)



Massey, D., & Meredith, T. (2011). Respiratory assessment 1: Why do it and how to do it?British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 5(11), 537–541. 10.12968/bjca.2010.5.11.79634. [CrossRef]


This work is a derivative ofNursing Pharmacologyby Open RN licensed underCC BY 4.0.


Honig, E. (1990). An overview of the pulmonary system. In Walker, H. K., Hall, W. D., Hurst, J. W. (Eds.),Clinical methods: The history, physical, and laboratory examinations(3rd ed.). Butterworths.https://www​.ncbi.nlm​ [PubMed: 21250045]


Hill B., Annesley S. H. Monitoring respiratory rate in adults. British Journal of Nursing. 2020;29(1):12–16. [PubMed: 31917943] [CrossRef]


Sample Documentation of Expected Findings

Patient denies cough, chest pain, or shortness of breath. Denies past or current respiratory illnesses or diseases. Symmetrical anterior and posterior thorax. Anteroposterior-transverse ratio is 1:2. Respiratory rate is 16 breaths/minute, unlabored, regular, and inaudible through the nose. No retractions, accessory muscle use, or nasal flaring. Chest rise and fall are equal bilaterally. Skin is pink, warm, and dry. No crepitus, masses, or tenderness upon palpation of anterior and posterior chest. Lung sounds clear bilaterally in all lobes anteriorly and posteriorly. No adventitious sounds. SpO2 saturation 99% on room air.

Sample Documentation of Unexpected Findings

Patient reports shortness of breath for five to six hours. Patient has labored breathing at rest. Nail beds are cyanotic. Respiratory rate is tachypneic at32/minutewith neck and abdominal accessory muscle use. Lung expansion is symmetrical. Pursed-lip breathing noted with intermittent productive cough. Reports coughing up blood-tinged green sputum for two days. Anterior and posterior chest walls have no tenderness, masses, or crepitus upon palpation. On auscultation bilateral coarse crackles over lung bases. Expiratory wheezes are audible and heard with stethoscope scattered throughout lung fields. Pulse oximetry 93% on room air.


Use the checklist below to review the steps for completion of a “Respiratory Assessment.”[1]


Disclaimer: Always review and follow agency policy regarding this specific skill.


Gather supplies: stethoscope and pulse oximeter.


Perform safety steps:

  • Perform hand hygiene.

  • Check the room for transmission-based precautions.

  • Introduce yourself, your role, the purpose of your visit, and an estimate of the time it will take.

  • Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).

  • Explain the process to the patient and ask if they have any questions.

  • Be organized and systematic.

  • Use appropriate listening and questioning skills.

  • Listen and attend to patient cues.

  • Ensure the patient’s privacy and dignity.

  • Assess ABCs.


Obtain subjective data related to history of respiratory diseases, current symptoms, medications, and history of smoking using the suggested interview questions inTable 10.3a.


Obtain and analyze vital signs including the pulse oximetry reading. Act appropriately on unexpected findings outside the normal range.


Assist the patient to a seated position if tolerated. Provide privacy while exposing only those areas of assessment.

  • Assess level of consciousness for signs of hypoxia/hypercapnia

  • Count respiratory rate for one minute

  • Observe respirations for rhythm pattern, depth, symmetry, and work of breathing

  • Observe configuration and symmetry of the chest. Compare anterior-posterior diameter to the transverse diameter

  • Inspect skin color lips, face, hands, and feet

Note that early signs of hypoxia may include anxiety, confusion, restlessness, change in mental status, and/or level of consciousness (LOC).

6. Palpate:

  • Inspect anterior/posterior chest wall for areas of tenderness, crepitus, lumps, or masses

  • Compare for bilaterally equal chest expansion


    Auscultate: Usecorrect stethoscope placementdirectly on the skin over designated auscultation areas. Identify any adventitious sounds.


    Assist the patient back to a comfortable position, ask if they have any questions, and thank them for their time.


    Ensure safety measures when leaving the room:

  • CALL LIGHT: Within reach

  • BED: Low and locked (in lowest position and brakes on)

  • SIDE RAILS: Secured

  • TABLE: Within reach

  • ROOM: Risk-free for falls (scan room and clear any obstacles)


    Perform hand hygiene.


    Document the assessment findings. Report any concerns according to agency policy.




Video Review of Heart & Lung Assessment | Head-to-Toe Exam[1]

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (13)



RegisteredNurseRN. (2017, December 17).Chest assessment nursing | Heart & lung assessment | Head-to-toe Exam.[Video]. YouTube. All rights reserved. Video used with permission.https://youtu​.be/kv3B81mWc1E.


Learning Activities

(Answers to “Learning Activities” can be found in the “Answer Key” at the end of the book. Answers to interactive activity elements will be provided within the element as immediate feedback.)


An elderly client is admitted to the medical floor with increased shortness of breath, new productive cough, and low-grade fever. The nurse begins the physical examination of the respiratory system.

What is the best position for the client to assume for the physical exam?




Sitting upright






During the course of the preceding patient’s physical exam, auscultation of the lungs reveals rhonchi in the upper airways and coarse crackles in the right lower base. The nurse knows that rhonchi and crackles may indicate _______ or __________ in the airways.


A client has pneumonia, which is currently being treated with antibiotics, and reports feeling better since being hospitalized. The nurse assesses the client’s oxygen saturation using a pulse oximeter by placing the probe on the client’s finger. The reading is 89%.

Which of the following actions should the nurse perform first?


Assess the pulse oximeter probe site to ensure an accurate reading.


Administer oxygen and monitor the pulse oximetry until it reaches 95 percent.


Raise the head of the bed and ask the client to take several deep breaths.


Contact the provider and recommend prescribing a chest X-ray.

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (14)

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (15)

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (16)


Accessory muscles

Muscles other than the diaphragm and intercostal muscles that may be used for labored breathing.


Absence of respirations.


Alveoli or an entire lung is collapsed, allowing no air movement.


An equal AP-to-transverse diameter that often occurs in patients with COPD due to hyperinflation of the lungs.


Decreased respiratory rate or slow breath less than normal range according to the patient’s age.

Bronchial breath sounds

High-pitched hollow sounds heard over trachea and the larynx.

Bronchovesicular sounds

Mixture of low- and high-pitched sounds heard over major bronchi.


A change in the configuration where the tips of the nails curve around the fingertips, usually caused by chronic low levels of oxygen in the blood.


Also referred to as “rales”; sound like popping or crackling noises during inspiration. Associated with inflammation and fluid accumulation in the alveoli.


Air trapped under a subcutaneous layer of the skin; creates a popping or crackling sensation as the area is palpated.


Bluish discoloration of the skin, lips, and nail beds. It is an indication of decreased perfusion and oxygenation.


A subjective feeling of breathlessness.


Blood-tinged mucus secretions from the lungs.


Increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood.


Decreased levels of oxygen in the blood.


Outward curvature of the back; often described as “hunchback.”


Breathlessness or a feeling of shortness of breath when lying in a reclined position.


A reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin in the skin or mucous membranes and causes skin and mucous membranes to present with a pale skin color.


Another term used for crackles.


Includes ventilation and gas exchange at the alveolar level where blood is oxygenated and carbon dioxide is removed.


The “pulling in” of muscles between the ribs or in the neck when breathing, indicating difficulty breathing or respiratory distress.


High-pitched crowing sounds heard over the upper airway and larynx indicating obstruction.


Rapid and often shallow breathing greater than normal range according to the patient’s age.


The mechanical movement of air into and out of the lungs.

Vesicular sounds

Low-pitched soft sounds like “rustling leaves” heard over alveoli and small bronchial airways.


High-pitched sounds heard on expiration or inspiration associated with bronchoconstriction or bronchospasm.

Chapter 10 Respiratory Assessment (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.