50 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety - My self Improvement (2024)

Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling of fear or worry that everyone experiences from time to time. But for some, anxiety becomes more than just a passing emotion – it develops into a chronic disorder that interferes with daily life. The good news is that there are many self-help techniques you can use to manage anxiety symptoms and regain a sense of calm and balance. Somatic exercises for anxiety are one approach that works exceptionally well for alleviating anxiety by getting us back in touch with our bodies.

Read about 50 somatic exercises for anxiety to relieve anxiety through movement, Breathing, visualization, and mindfulness. I’ll explain how each bodily anxiety exercise works, provide step-by-step instructions, and offer modifications to make them accessible for different needs and abilities.

With regular practice of these simple yet profoundly effective exercises, you’ll be well on your way to outsmarting anxiety!

Table of Contents

How Somatic Exercises Help With Anxiety

50 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety - My self Improvement (1)

Before diving into the bodily exercises, let’s first understand why they work so well to relieve anxiety.

Somatic exercises use our physical perceptions and sensations to influence our emotional and mental states. They help calm the nervous system by shifting us out of “fight-or-flight” mode and into more profound relaxation.

When we feel chronically anxious, we become disconnected from our bodies as the mind takes over with distressing thoughts and worries. Somatic exercises act as an anchor to pull us back into our bodies and help discharge pent-up stress and tension.

As we consciously control our Breathing, stretch tight muscles, and engage all the senses, we redirect our attention to the present moment. This breaks the endless anxiety feedback loop and gives us a sense of agency over our inner experience.

Over time, regularly practicing somatic exercises changes our physiology by lowering blood pressure, heart rate variability, and stress hormones. The more we do these anxiety relief exercises, the more resilient our nervous system becomes in handling stress without escalating into anxiety.

Let’s get into 50 of my top picks for somatic exercises to overcome anxiety!


As the most basic bodily anxiety exercise, conscious Breathing has an incredibly calming influence. The following breathing techniques help relieve anxiety by activating the body’s relaxation response.

  1. Deep Breathing

This foundational breathing exercise for anxiety is simple but highly effective for switching our bodies out of tense “fight or flight” mode.

  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling your belly and chest.
  • Exhale entirely through pursed lips, pulling your navel in towards your spine.
  • Repeat for 5-10 cycles of breath.
  1. 4-7-8 Breathing

Also known as “relaxing breath,” ” this pattern leverages breathing ratios to maximize anxiety relief.

  • Exhale entirely through your mouth.
  • Close your lips and inhale through your nose to a mental count of 4.
  • Hold your breath for a count of 7.
  • Exhale through your mouth to a count of 8.
  • Repeat the cycle three more times for a total of 4 breaths.
  1. Alternate Nostril Breathing

This yogic breathing technique is deeply balanced for the nervous system.

  • Hold one nostril closed and inhale through the open nostril.
  • Close off the open nostril, open the closed nostril, and exhale through it.
  • Inhale through the now-open nostril, switch to close it off, open the alternate nostril, and exhale through it.
  • Repeat for 5-10 cycles, then relax and observe the calming effects.
  1. Ujjayi Breath

Also known as “ocean breath” or “victorious breath,” the ujjayi breathing technique creates soothing internal vibrations.

  • Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose, narrowing the back of your throat to make a soft, rasping “ah” sound as you breathe.
  • Keep the breath smooth, steady, and controlled for 5-10 cycles of breath. The internal vibrations should sound like ocean waves rolling in and out.
  1. Sitali Breath

This cooling pranayama technique whisks away anxious heat from the mind and body.

  • Curl your tongue lengthwise, stick it slightly out of your lips, and inhale slowly through your mouth over your tongue.
  • Close your mouth and exhale slowly through your nose.
  • Repeat for 15-20 long, deep breaths.
  1. Kapalabhati Breath

Energizing and revitalizing, this fire breath rapidly pumps stale air out of the lungs.

  • Inhale passively, then exhale quickly and forcefully through your nose, pulling your navel towards your spine.
  • Let the breath flow back in passively, then repeat the active, powerful exhalations.
  • Continue 15-20 cycles, then relax with normal Breathing to observe the clarity it brings.
  1. Sunset Breath Meditation

This visual breath practice taps into our natural circadian rhythms to instantly instill calm.

  • Close your eyes and imagine the sun sinking below the horizon.
  • Inhale slowly, counting from 1 to 5 as the sun dips lower across an imaginary skyline.
  • Pause momentarily, then exhale from 5 to 1 while envisioning the sun disappearing completely.
  • Repeat five times slowly.


The following somatic anxiety relief techniques use physical movement and body awareness for powerful mind-soothing effects.

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This somatic anxiety exercise progressively tenses and relaxes muscle groups from head to toe.

  • Lie down and close your eyes. Breathe deeply.
  • Lift your eyebrows upward, squeezing your forehead muscles tight. Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Release the facial tension completely with an exhale.
  • Continue contracting and releasing muscle groups down your body bit by bit.
  • Flex each hand, extend arms outward, pull shoulders up, suck in the stomach, squeeze glutes and thighs, curl toes under feet, etc.
  • Deep relaxation slowly overtakes both body and mind after releasing tension.
  1. Gentle Stretches

Simple stretches loosen physical tension that drives anxiety while keeping us grounded.

  • Interlace fingers, palms face out, and push hands away until you feel a stretch in your arms and chest.
  • Release your arms back to your side and bring one hand over your head, reach towards the ceiling, opening the side of your body. Hold, then switch sides.
  • Sit with legs extended. Walk hands out and fold forward at hips, feeling length in your spine.
  • Return to neutral, then hug your knees into your chest, rocking gently side to side and massaging your back.
  1. Walking Meditation

This movement-based somatic exercise draws anxious thoughts back to sensory perceptions.

  • Stand tall as you slowly start to walk. Focus entirely on the physical sensations occurring in each moment.
  • Notice the specific feeling of each heel as it lifts off the floor, touches down again, then rolls to the toes and lifts once more.
  • Continue your attentive, deliberate walk for 10+ minutes to give the mind space to settle.
  1. Anxious Thought Shaking Out

Shake away anxiety as it arises by discharging the pent-up spent-up very first signs of anxiety, stop what you’re doing, and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

  • As you inhale deeply through your nose, draw your shoulders towards your ears and clench your fists tightly.
  • Exhale forcefully through pursed lips while vigorously shaking out hands, head, and body as if trying to shake off the stressful thoughts.
  • Repeat until the anxious energy release is complete.
  1. Mountain Meditation

Envision roots growing deep to instill grounded, unshakeable stillness.

  • Stand with a comprehensive, sturdy stance, knees soft, not locked. Relax your shoulders.
  • Inhale, visualizing roots slowly growing from the soles of your feet, penetrating deep into the ground.
  • Exhale and feel your body grow heavier, anchoring you solidly like a mountain, completely still and unmoving.
  • When anxious thoughts try to topple your mountainous stability, visualize your roots burrowing deeper as you stand even more firmly rooted.
  1. Moving Bridge

This yoga pose somatically releases anxious tension from your back and realigns posture.

  • From all fours, walk your hands forward as you simultaneously tuck toes, straightening your legs to come into a sphinx pose.
  • Firm your shoulder blades down your back, then press evenly through your hands and the balls of your feet to lift your hips and chest into an inverted V shape.
  • Hold the bridge pose for five full breaths, stretching out your back with each inhale, softening across your chest and shoulders on each exhale.
  • Lower back to the sphinx, and then the child’s pose to integrate the calming, rejuvenating effects.
  1. Bioenergetic Grounding

Regain your anxious mind’s stability by quite literally grounding yourself.

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft. Bend your hips to touch your hands to the floor.
  • Walk your hands slightly forward until feeling a deep stretch running up the backs of your legs. Your forehead will remain towards the ground.
  • Flex your feet and firmly spread your toes against the floor as if trying to grip tiles with your feet.
  • Take ten deep belly breaths here, filling your lungs and emptying them fully each time.
  • The anxious mind settles as you feel more deeply rooted, calm, and heavy.


Leverage mindfulness techniques that keep anxious individuals anchored in the present moment through sensory connection.

  1. Five Senses Grounding

Combat anxiety by taking inventory of your immediate sensory perceptions.

  • Pause and inhale. Look around and name five things you see. Exhale.
  • Inhale. Listen closely and name four things you hear. Exhale.
  • Inhale. Touch three textures you feel against your skin and name them. Exhale.
  • Inhale. Say two things you can smell now. Exhale.
  • Inhale. Put something in your mouth and identify one flavor present—Exhale when finished.
  1. Mindful Object Focus

Select and observe an object intricately to quiet an anxious, wandering mind.

  • Choose an ordinary object nearby – a pen, mug, keys, watch, etc. Hold the object in your hands or place it in front of you.
  • Focus all your attention exclusively on the object before you. Notice every fine detail about its color, texture, size, shape, weight, temperature, etc.
  • If anxiety pulls your focus away, gently return attention to the chosen object and your sensory exploration.
  1. Nature Sit Spot

Let the healing rhythms of nature realign an anxious, overloaded nervous system.

  • Find a secluded nature spot to sit quietly for 20-30 minutes (or more if you’d like!).
  • Observe all the sensory activity around you with all senses alert yet relaxed.
  • See shapes and colors dancing on fluttering leaves. Hear songs of birds chatting back and forth. Feel the cool grass under your palm. Smell earthiness…
  • Allow nature’s naturally balancing stimuli to sync your senses as anxiety fades away.
  1. Walking Mantra

Use this somatic walking meditation to override anxious mind loops.

  • Choose a short uplifting mantra like “I am relaxed,” “I am strong,” “I’ve got this!” or “This too shall pass.”
  • Sync the rhythm of the mantra to your footsteps. Silently say one word with each step.
  • Feel the affirming words sinking more profoundly with each stride to transform your inner experience as the path stretches before you.
  1. Finger Holds

Try this subtle yet centering somatic hand mudra when needing an inconspicuous grounding technique.

  • Touch the tips of your thumb and index fingers, extending the other fingers.
  • Rest the back of your hand softly against your leg so no one else can see.
  • Lightly rub the pads of your thumb and index finger over each other, tuning into the sensation.
  • Return focus here whenever anxiety intrudes to discreetly recenter yourself in the present.


Leverage the imagination’s powerful influence over the mind. Vividly picturing soothing scenes activates the body’s relaxation response, dousing anxiety.

  1. Sacral Chakra Healing

Also known as the second or sexual chakra, balancing the solar plexus improves intuition, pleasure, and creativity.

  • Visualize an orange glowing orb spinning clockwise near your lower belly.
  • Inhale, amplify its warm orange radiance, and exhale to ground that creative life force energy in your core.
  • Repeat slow, long inhale/exhale amplifying visualization for 1 minute. Enjoy the pleasant tingle of activation flowing outward to soothe anxious parts.
  1. Golden Sun Over Head

Envision warm, radiant light melting tension as anxiety relief pours down through the crown of the head.

  • Sit relaxing spine with closed eyes tilted towards the ceiling as if looking inside your head.
  • Visualize a blazing sun directly above you, about a foot over your crown.
  • Inhale fully and feel its glistening golden beams cascade down around the curves of your skull, massaging facial muscles and shoulders with vibrant light.
  • Exhale and release all tension from the head, sweeping anxiety from the crown down.
  1. Calm Place Imagery

Picture your perfect serene scene emanating all senses of safety & stillness that the anxious mind craves.

  • Recall somewhere, you felt an abundance of happiness, peace, and belonging. The calm place can be real or imaginary.
  • Slowly build up sensory details in your mind’s eye – colors, textures, sounds, smells, and even tastes, if applicable. Allow supportive feelings to swell as you immerse your imagination.
  • Fully inhabit this safe space in your mind whenever anxiety strikes. The nervous system can’t distinguish visualization from reality, so it finds genuine relief.
  1. River Visualization

Use natural imagery of flowing water to carry anxiety out of mind space effortlessly.

  • Picture sitting beside a gently flowing river in nature, watching leaves float along the glassy surface, leaving no trace behind.
  • As anxious thoughts arise, place them on a leaf and insert them into the gentle current to be swept entirely out of thought-sight without struggle.
  • Continue observing the stream’s endless, easy water flow while anxiety naturally dissolves each time you release it onto a passing leaf.


Do anxiety and worries keep you up at night? The following somatic sleep techniques deeply unwind the nervous system, pave the way for faster sleep onset, and prevent anxious insomnia.

  1. Yoga Nidra

Also known as “yogic sleep,” this systematic full-body relaxation practice pulls you quickly into deep meditative bliss, and you naturally drift into sleep.

  • Lie flat on your back in a corpse pose. Make micro-movements to feel most comfortable and supported.
  • Take your body on a guided tour, systematically tensing and relaxing muscle groups part by part from toe to face.
  • After a full body scan, visualize a calming inner experience. Silently repeat a soothing mantra like “sleep” or “relax.”
  • Remain motionless as you allow yoga Nidra’s tranquilizing effects to carry your consciousness snugly into a sound sleep.
  1. 4-7-8 Sleep Breath

This simple yet highly effective yogic breath exercise sedates the nervous system for anxiety-free sleep.

  • Lay in bed and exhale fully out through your mouth. Close your mouth.
  • Inhale quietly through the nose for four slow counts.
  • Hold your breath for a seven count.
  • Exhale entirely through your mouth, making a whooshing sound for eight counts.
  • Repeat the cycle four times, then roll into your preferred sleeping position. Continue cycling, breathing as you intend to drift off.
  1. Body Scan Sleep Meditation

Mentally scanning physical sensations directs anxious thoughts to the present moment for faster sleep onset.

  • Lying comfortably in bed completely relaxes your body, from your toes to the top of your heart.
  • Start slowly sweeping your attention from toes to ankles and notice all sensations.
  • Gradually progress through legs, hips, fingertips, arms, and elbows. Observe the back and stomach.
  • Scan full attention up the neck, jaw, cheeks, brow, and scalp. If thoughts intrude, return focus to the scanning body.
  • Fully surrendered to tranquil awareness of body presence, the asleep tip effortlessly over the unconscious edge.
  1. Sleeping Kriya

This relaxing breath and energy-directing practice makes falling asleep nearly effortless.

  • Lying comfortably in bed, inhale slowly through your nose for 5 seconds.
  • Exhale through your mouth with a sigh. “Ahhhhh…” Sound for 10 seconds
  • Repeat nine times. Then, hold your breath and intensely contract pelvic and abdominal muscles for 5-10 seconds before exhaling.
  • Feel the energy move down and clear out the pelvis, ending in the base of the spine. Inhale again, repeating the cycle up to 3 times.
  • Slip into sound sleep riding a wave of relaxation from directing energy down and out lower remove.
  1. Yawn Sigh Sleep Technique

Open your mouth wide to deeply reset and relax your entire system to settle into sleep ASAP.

  • Inhale entirely through your nose until your lungs are filled.
  • Open your mouth as wide as possible while forcefully exhaling the entire breath with a mighty sighing yawn.
  • Repeat big yawn sighs 3-5 times. Feel as the whole body relaxes after each round.
  • Settle into a sleeping position as heavy relaxation washes over you from repetitive yawns. Close your eyes and watch your thoughts evaporate as you rapidly drift off.


Are you having difficulty turning worrisome thoughts off? The following mindfulness-based somatic exercises train the ability to release stressful thoughts and unwind the mind for sleep gently.

  1. Leaves on a Stream

This visualization clears an overwhelmed mind, making silencing anxious thoughts more accessible.

  • Picture sitting beside a gently flowing stream, watching leaves float along the water’s surface and slowly out of sight.
  • As thoughts arise, imagine placing them onto leaves and inserting them into the current to be carried off from the mind’s view.
  • Don’t engage with thoughts; observe them detach and drift away. If more anxious thoughts come, repeat the process, trusting the stream to sweep them away smoothly.
  • After 10 minutes of visualization, you’ll be detached enough from thoughts to fall asleep quickly without attachment to worries.
  1. Mantra Repetition

Override spiraling thoughts circling the mind by vocally repeating a calming phrase.

  • Choose a soothing 1-3 word mantra like “deep sleep,” “I’m resting,” or “at peace.”
  • Close your eyes and audibly repeat the mantra aloud with the intention of mind stillness. Focus only on the sound.
  • If anxious thoughts pop up, don’t resist them. Gently return focus to your vocalized mantra.
  • Allow a repetitive mantra tone to lull your entire being into a relaxed, trance-like state where dropping off is inevitable.
  1. Mindful Muscle Relaxation

Purposefully relax the body to send direct signals to the anxious mind that it’s time for sleep.

  • Start with feet and relax your muscles fully. Send a conscious message to your feet – “Time for rest.”
  • Slowly move up, contracting and relaxing each body part purposefully—signal permission to unwind.
  • “Legs relax…Hips rest…Belly soften…Chest calm…Shoulders heavy…Arms ease…Hands loose…Neck melts…Jaw unclenches…Face stills…Eyebrows smooth…Forehead serene.
  • Having consciously relaxed every inch of physical form, the mind gets the memo, and unwinding into sleep comes effortlessly.
  1. Effortless Presence

Let go of control by making the mind effortless without trying to change what’s arising.

  • Notice anxious thoughts and bodily tensions that keep you awake.
  • Tell yourself it’s perfectly okay for them to be present. Stop fighting them.
  • Allow the worries, nerves, and restlessness to be effortless without reacting or judging.
  • I am practicing radical acceptance of all mental activity precisely as it is at the moment.
  • You relinquish control yet remain fully present. Instincts take over, creating conditions for natural sleep.


Does anxiety spike in social settings overwhelm your nervous system? Use the following techniques to self-soothe heightened senses so social events feel fun versus frightening.

  1. Safe Space Visualization

Manifest an imaginary sanctuary providing comforting sensory details when social interactions feel too much.

  • Before entering a social situation, take time alone to visualize,e your calm, safe space,
  • Imagine it vividly – colors, sounds, scents, and textures. Feel your nervous system downregulating.
  • Carry this mental sanctuary with you as a social buffer. Retreat here when senses grow overloaded, rebalancing internally.
  1. Sedating Power Poses

Strike-grounded poses instantly create secure feelings when uncertain social dynamics trigger anxiety.

  • Facing a stressful social interaction, stand tall with legs anchored shoulder-width, hands on hips, and elbows wide to occupy maximum space.
  • Feel sensations of strength and stability amplify through your center. Hold for 1 minute, breathing deeply.
  • Transition to a more expansive mountain pose with hands heart-center. Stand sturdy like a mighty mountain summit impervious to external storms.
  1. Social Support Gestures

Make these subtle self-soothing contact gestures inconspicuously when anxious around others.

  • Lightly rest your fingertips onto pulse points in your inner wrists, feeling a steady beat – your resilient heartbeat.
  • Gently hold the opposite elbow across the chest in mild self-hug – your warmth emotionally refueling you.
  • Slowly smooth your palms down your thighs, aligning with gravity’s stability supporting you right now.
  1. Mindful Sensory Balance

Counteract social overstimulation by calming specific senses, throwing you off balance.

  • Notice which sense is most overwhelmed – sights, noises, scents, or excessive social touch?
  • Tune into the opposite sense for relief – chew mint gum to ease auditory input, wear blue-tinted glasses if visual space is chaotic, etc.
  • Soft scarf against the skin, the pleasant aroma on the wrist, earplugs reduce input intensity so senses rebalance.


When anxiety strikes instantly without warning, quick somatic remedies reboot your system, preventing a full-blown attack.

  1. Diverted Focus

Refocus the faculty of attention to short-circuit cognitive symptoms like panic thoughts from escalating.

  • When you feel anxiety hit, shift your attention to something else entirely – your clothing fabric’s texture, distant sounds, and colors filling your visual field.
  • Like turning the lens of perception, redirect full focal power outside panicking self to any present sense details.
  1. Orienting Technique

Instill instant bodily calm by reorienting yourself in the stable using factual grounding statements.

  • Anxiety hijacks the nervous system into stressful, imagined scenarios. Counteract saying aloud factual statements of actual present safety.
  • “Today is _, right now I’m here at _, in the room, I’m with, I see, I hear…” Describe factual tranquility in this secure here and now.
  1. The 54321 Game

Fire away anxiety by instantly engaging the senses to ground yourself in the current environment.

  • Look – Name five things you see. “Ceiling, light fixture, picture, window, desk.”
  • Listen – Identify four things you hear. “Fingers tapping keyboard, phone ringing, cars passing.”
  • Touch – Feel three textures against the skin. “Shirt sleeve, watch band, chair.”
  • Smell – Detect two aromas. “Coffee, steak grilling.”
  • Taste – Take one sip or bite of something, reporting flavors. “Sweet cherry juice.”
  1. Tactile Triggers

Carry or wear a purposefully selected texture to help snap back into calm when anxiety intrudes.

  • Choose something with a soothing sensation – smooth stone, velvet cloth, spiky silicone ball, or scented chapstick.
  • When anxiety arises, grip or stroke this particular tactile trigger immediately focusing intently on sensory qualities to re-center.


Use the mind’s power to vividly envision desired inner states manifesting as the visual cortex can’t differentiate between watching and living experiences.

  1. Imagery Emotional Healing

Visualize harmful anxiety-dissolving out of your nervous system for tangible catharsis.

  • Close your eyes and breathe, consciously visualizing anxiety within a dark, swirling cloud.
  • Inhale deeply, drawing cleansing light around the edges of mass, softening the periphery.
  • Exhale and erase the outer edges so the dark cloud shrinks smaller with each exhale.
  • After 5+ rounds, the cloud dissipates entirely, having emotionally purged anxiety through inward eyes’ vision healing.
  1. Safe Cave Inner Sanctuary

Imagine an enveloping womb-like refuge hidden deep within yourself where you retreat when anxiety surfaces.

  • Picture an expansive network of underground caves with illuminated crystals and velvety floor pillows.
  • Crawl inside your secret cavern and feel your senses subsiding as you nestle into the safe cave’s embrace.
  • Allow supportive energy to permeate pores, like receiving a 360-degree hug insulating the nervous system.
  1. Bliss Body Scan

Mentally scan your entire body, gradually filling each anatomical part with qualities of serenity to rewrite nervous system patterns.

  • Close your eyes, and go inside to discover your subtle body map – bones, organs, vessels containing lifeforce flowing.
  • Using the mind’s intent, guide healing bliss to anxious areas manifesting as liquid relaxation, golden nectar, or warm sunlight.
  • Help distressed dimensions integrate profound peace so they “know” how that feels from now on.
  1. Higher Self Visualization

We can overcome anxious feelings of helplessness or inadequacy by imagining a stronger inner identity.

  • Imagine a magnificent version of your most actualized self in the quantum cosmos.
  • How do they sit tall and grounded with purposeful positivity? See their noble, kind gaze. Witness their courage and wisdom in handling challenges with grace and grit.
  • Merge with this higher vision, allowing their supreme traits to override your anxious programming. Soon, it becomes your constant inner experience.
  1. Past Life Temple Healing

Regress virtually to access your soul’s timeline for healing generational anxiety embedded in DNA

  • Close your eyes and visualize stepping backward through a tunnel into another era from your ancestral past.
  • Notice clothing, environment, and surrounding community as clues to when/where you are. The scene likely holds a metaphoric message for present growth.
  • Call in any guides or ritual healing templates from this past life that actively influence this timeline.
  • Receive their energy activations to clear away residual anxiety patterns carried over lifetimes now removed.


50 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety - My self Improvement (2)

The following relaxation practices deeply unwind the entire nervous system when feeling overwhelmed or carrying excess tension, feeding anxiety levels.

  1. Breath Counting

Hypnotize the racing anxiety mind by incrementally counting each exhale.

  • In gradual rhythm, inhale through the nose and exhale through slightly parted lips.
  • Silently count each exhale, starting again at one after each set of 10.
  • Find soothing meditative quality in watching incremental numbers. If you lose count, start back at one again.
  • Allow repetition to provide the monkey mind something simple to latch onto instead of churning out disorderly thoughts.
  1. Head To Toe Body Melt

Systematically relax from crown down to toes, conveying to the anxious system that it’s safe to unwind.

  • Start by softening the area between the eyebrows, relaxing the eyes, and smoothing the forehead.
  • Loosen the tight jaw, soothe the tongue, soften the cheeks, and ease the neck.
  • Shoulders are low and loose. Upper back fluid. Low back heavy.
  • Soft belly. Relaxed hips. Loose legs and knees. Heavy feet.
  • Scan upward, get specific with little pockets of tension overlooked. Now, melt down once more.
  1. Breathwave Sound Bath

Entrain brainwaves into theta state underlying REM for profound stress relief.

  • Lie down, close your eyes, and relax fully with a big exhale.
  • Video “Breathwave” sessions synchronize musical tones to breathing rate on an insight timer. The nervous system effortlessly follows this sonic lead into a deeply soothing just-before-sleep theta brainwave state to ease stress, release anxiety-stored muscle tension, prevent panic attacks, and often achieve euphoric meditative trance states from the sound.
  1. Float Therapy

Be effortlessly cradled in a supportive womb-like pod filled with skin-tempered water and half a ton of buoyant Epsom salts, allowing muscles to surrender and the mind to empty for supreme sensory relief fully.

  • Research shows that 1 hour of float therapy is equivalent to 4 hours of quality REM sleep. Stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline plunge while endorphins and dopamine surge. Anxiety melts away.
  • The anti-gravity environment removes all external stimuli, so the nervous system shifts mode to rest, repair, and reset. Silent stillness ends up incredibly nourishing.
  1. Magnesium Salt Bath

Primary mineral deficiency aggravates anxiety – oral magnesium supplements calm nerves but absorbs better through skin-soaking magnesium-rich Epsom salt baths.

  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and essential oils to a hot bath – lavender calms and frankincense balance mood.
  • Soak for 20+ minutes, feeling salts sleep deeply into the skin, ultimately entering the bloodstream quicker.
  • Anxiety-alleviating effects compound over consecutive nights due to magnesium building up stores in body tissue, calming sensory reactions long term.


What is the best somatic exercise for relieving anxiety fastest?

While all listed exercises effectively counteract anxiety when practiced diligently, Alternate Nostril Breathing works instantly to shift the nervous system out of fight-or-flight. Simply closing off one nostril so breath flows exclusively through just one side rapidly calms the entire mind and body by restoring left-right brain balance.

How long until I start to feel anxiety relief doing somatic exercises?

It largely varies based on personal factors – how sensitized your nervous system is, baseline vagal tone, history of anxiety, etc. Typically, within the first 1-2 weeks of starting a daily somatic anxiety relief practice, positive effects begin unfolding. More minor stresses bother you less. Intrusive thoughts are reduced. Sleep normalizes. But bodily exercise is a lifelong endeavor – the more you practice calming your system, the more anti-anxiety lifestyle habits solidify.

Can somatic exercises completely cure anxiety?

While not a cure-all, somatic practices empower you to transform your nervous system when done regularly genuinely. By directly reconditioning involuntary stress reactions and habitual thought loops, you rewire the brain not to escalate into anxious overdrive. 80% of anxiety relief happens through daily self-care rituals versus 20% talk therapy, according to research. The right lifestyle toolkit – balancing thoughts, nutrition, movement, and rest – prevents the disorder from continuing.

What if I stop doing somatic exercises?

Like any habit, the calming effects of somatic exercises fade when you stop doing them. Neuroplastic changes reversing high anxiety take consistent conditioning over time. Occasionally, skipping practices is fine, but anxiety relief depends on enduring nervous system renewal that unfolds slowly. Stick with your personalized somatic routines through ups and downs for Cumulative healing.

How can I remember to do somatic exercises when feeling anxious?

Make a printable list of your Top 5 Go-To somatic practices for anxiety relief. Carry it in your wallet or snap pics on your phone. Recite your favorite exercises aloud to memorize them. Set phone alerts reminding you to take somatic breaks. Call a friend and do breathing exercises together. You are framing visual reminders around the home. Rehearse out loud until somatic tools get embedded in your mind as trusted instant anxiety antidotes.

Last Words

Anxiety comes in many forms and can significantly interfere with overall well-being when left unchecked. The good news is there are many simple yet profoundly effective somatic exercises we can practice regularly to relieve anxiety holistically.

As we’ve explored, somatic exercises for anxiety get us back in touch with our bodies – the physical perceptions, sensations, and rhythms that quiet the nervous system down from distressed “fight-or-flight” mode. Breathing exercises, body scans, movement practices, visualizations, and relaxation techniques directly affect the stress response for lasting anxiety relief.

Committing to a daily bodily ritual tailored to your needs empowers you to alter anxiety’s course moving forward. Start now by choosing a few favorites from the 50 techniques outlined here. Discover social anxiety: 5 ways to cope with it and learn how, with regular practice, you can retrain your system to remain calm, grounded, and present despite triggers, ensuring anxiety no longer dominates your inner landscape – somatic self-care sees to it!

50 Somatic Exercises for Anxiety - My self Improvement (2024)
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Article information

Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 6194

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.