5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (2024)

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (1)

Published by James Cunningham, BSc, CPT | Staff Writer & Senior Coach

Last updated: January 21, 2024

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Bodybuilders love to focus attention on their arms during weight training, but it needs to be a carefully planned routine to keep your arm muscles in proportion.

One area I get all my clients to focus more on is the long head of triceps.

And to help our readers better plan their arm days, I created this information guide to the best triceps exercises.

Remember that these are the muscles you have on show most of the time, which makes it very important to have a good balance and proportional muscles. My recommendation is to add a protein powder to your diet and training.

Quick Summary

  • To achieve massive arms, the 5 best exercises for the long head of the triceps are dumbbell overhead triceps extensions, cable overhead extensions, close grip bench presses, incline dumbbell extensions, and dips
  • These exercises, specifically designed for the long head, effectively combine both compound and isolation movements for optimal tricep development.
  • Insights from Human Kinetics emphasize the importance of increasing time under tension for optimal growth of the long head muscle.
  • In my opinion, consistently focusing on the long head with these exercises significantly enhances overall arm strength and appearance.

Table of Contents

Quick SummaryWhat Is The Long Head Of The Triceps Muscle?Why Is It Important To Isolate The Long Head?5 Best Long Head Triceps ExercisesLong Head Triceps Training TipsFAQs


What Is The Long Head Of The Triceps Muscle?

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (2)

The long head of the triceps muscle is one of three heads that make up the muscle. According to a study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the triceps brachii is made up of 3 parts [1].


The medial head runs along the center of the upper arm from the shoulder joint down to the elbow joint. It’s barely noticeable from the outside, especially if you have well-formed triceps.


The lateral head is another slim part, and it runs along the outside of the arm. It extends down to the same place on the elbow joint as the medial.

Long Head

The triceps long head is the bulky part of the muscle that you notice with the horseshoe shape.

Per a study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), what’s interesting about all three heads is that they combine together into one tendon at the elbows, which means they work together for elbow extension but slightly differently for shoulder extension [2].

That’s because they attach at different points around the shoulder joint.

“As your triceps become stronger, the strength and stability of your shoulders and elbows also increases. This in turn will increase the functionality, flexibility and range of motion of your arm, improving your performance in everyday tasks, as well as sports which require arm movements and upper-body strength like tennis, swimming, and basketball.”

- Freeletics.com

Related: Shoulder and Tricep Workout

Why Is It Important To Isolate The Long Head?

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (3)

Drawing from our experience, isolating the long head muscle is key for increased muscular growth. In my years of coaching, I've seen how focusing on this prominent and visible part of the triceps not only enhances strength but also significantly improves arm aesthetics.

While all triceps heads work together in most exercise movements, it’s the triceps long head that you put on a show.

Many people I see at the gym spend endless sets on biceps curls and manage to build up some impressive muscle fibers.

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises

Our team got together and narrowed things down to the most important triceps exercises that you can do for the long head.

There are many more triceps extensions you can do, but we find these compound and isolation exercises work a treat.

1. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (4)

We prefer the dumbbell overhead triceps extensions to the lying one as it tends to put more tension on the triceps long head.

Start in a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms overhead straight to the ceiling.

Lower the dumbbells down behind your back, but make sure that you keep your upper arms perfectly vertical.

Count to three on the down move, and then push the weights back up for a count of two.

This should be your bread and butter triceps workout and something you can fall back on with limited equipment.

Related: Resistance Band Tricep Exercises

2. Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (5)

For those that like doing a lot of their workouts on machines, the cable overhead triceps extensions are where you want to head.

It has a similar effect as the overhead dumbbell extensions, but you set up your body a bit differently.

Stand with your back to the machine and hold onto the rope attachment with both hands above your head.

Lean your body forward to start the tension.

Your elbow joints should be at a right angle and your hands behind your head.

Start the overhead rope extensions by pulling the cable forward, but avoid any kind of momentum from your body and keep your upper arms still as well.

From the top position, slowly bring your hands back behind your head.

Also Read: Best Tricep Cable Exercises

3. Close Grip Bench Press

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (6)

Close-grip bench presses work great, but you have to make sure you get the form perfectly right.

Get your hands set up closer than shoulder-width apart as your starting position.

This will make it more difficult to keep the barbell balanced, so practice with a lighter weight load first.

Then lower the bar down to your chest and push it back up again.

The important thing for this workout is to not allow your elbows to flare out.

Keep the distance between them the same, and you have powerful triceps extensions.

4. Incline Dumbbell Tricep Extension

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (7)

The elbow extension exercises are ideal if you’re doing some dumbbell chest presses as part of your workout routine.

Set the bench to about a 30-degree angle and get your elbows pointing straight up. From there, follow the same form as the overhead triceps extensions workout.

Also, try to adjust the incline setting to see how that feels in your muscle heads to get the ideal position. The important thing for this workout is to not allow your elbows to flare out.

Keep the distance between them the same, and you have powerful triceps extensions.

Related Article: Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

5. Dips

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (8)

I love doing dips because it’s a great compound exercise that puts a lot of tension on the long head of the muscle. It's also one of the best exercises for chest and triceps overall developement.

Set yourself up on a dip station with the handles quite narrow and just below your shoulders.

Start the exercise and lower your body down until your arms are bent at a right angle.

You can go lower, but make sure you have the strength to complete the exercise.

Do standard cable triceps pushdowns as an alternative to dips if you’re not strong enough yet.

Long Head Triceps Training Tips

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (9)

In addition to adding the above exercises, I want to give you a couple of tips that will ensure your workout provides maximum benefits.

Free Weight Vs. Bodyweight Exercises

The majority of triceps extensions involve exercises that rely on some form of free weights or a cable machine. These are great for isolating this muscle group, but you should also consider compound muscle activity.

Your own body weight is a great tool in long head tricep exercises like dips and the good old diamond push-up.

You’ll get better success from routines that combine both types of moves.

Read More: Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises

Slow Down The Movement

According to insights from Human Kinetics, the long head is a big muscle, and the longer you can increase the time under tension [2], the better the results will be from triceps extensions.

That means sticking with great form and not trying to be a hero with a huge dumbbell or bar.

A tricep exercise shouldn’t involve excessive body movement to get a bit of momentum. Your arms should do all the work, and the more you focus on that, the higher your success and progress towards a goal will be.

Pick the Right Number Of Reps

Some people will argue you need to do six reps and five sets, while others swear it needs to be 8 to 10 reps over three sets.

The main thing is that you need to limit the number of sets to about 10 for your triceps exercise. And the last two reps need to be a real struggle where you can barely complete the movement.

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  • How To Warm Up Arms Before Workout?
  • Best Long Head Biceps Exercises
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What Does the Long Head of the Triceps Do?

The long head of the triceps is mainly responsible for extending the forearm. Because of its attachment location to the shoulder, it also plays a crucial role in lifting the arm up and down.

What Head of the Triceps Do Dips Work?

Dips work all three heads of the tricep. With good form and a narrow hand position, you can encourage more strain on the long head triceps.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6136322/
  2. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK536996/

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About The Author

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (10)

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

Staff Writer & Senior Coach


Certifications: BSc in Sport & Exercise Science

Education: University of Hertfordshire

Lives in: London, England, United Kingdom

James Cunningham is an author and dietary supplement connoisseur with a solid academic foundation, holding a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science from the University of Hertfordshire. Specializing in Performance Psychology, his expertise is backed by both rigorous study and practical experience.

As an author, James is committed to guiding his readers towards optimal health and performance, providing actionable insights and strategies through his writings.

5 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Massive Arms (2024)


Which tricep head makes your arms look bigger? ›

If you look at the outside of the triceps, you'll see that the long head makes up two-thirds of the size of your upper arm. Two-thirds! If you look at the outside of the triceps, you'll see that the long head makes up two-thirds of the size of your upper arm.

What's the best long head tricep exercise? ›

5. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension. The dumbbell overhead triceps extension is one of the best long head tricep dumbbell exercises because it works the long head when fully stretched. This is important because research shows that training a muscle when stretched leads to more muscle growth.

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The three best exercises for bulking up the triceps are: Triceps Pushdown. Close Grip Bench Press. Triceps Extension.

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Although most people who want to know how to build arm muscle focus on biceps training, if you want really big arms then you need to work your triceps and brachialis just as hard. To get a truly sleeve-busting look, you need to work the triceps, biceps and the brachialis.

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The key to building a great set of arms is high intensity training combined with adequate recovery periods that give the body enough time to produce muscle. Keep in mind that unless you use chemical enhancements, you can train intensely or you can train long but you can't do both.

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Reps and Sets for Long Head Triceps Exercises

An argument that many people get into is how many reps and sets you should do to build that long head on your triceps muscles. Well, as far as most people are concerned, anywhere between 8 and 12 reps should suffice, especially if you're using heavy weight.

Do dips hit all three tricep heads? ›

Kickbacks: This move also targets all three heads of the triceps, but not quite as much as the diamond push-up. This exercise is also easier, so may be more user-friendly than push-ups. Dips: This exercise also works all three triceps heads, and it has an added benefit of helping to activate core muscles.

Does bench press hit long head tricep? ›

Conclusion. In conclusion, the close grip bench press is an effective exercise for working all heads of the tricep. While it primarily targets the lateral and medial heads, the long head is also engaged to a certain degree.

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Build your arms the fast way: weighted dips, close grip bench press, seated tricep extension, clapping diamond pushups and rope pushdowns. One of the most common goals for many weightlifters is to gain mass in the arms.

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  1. Exercise 1. V-BAR TRICEPS PUSHDOWN. 4 sets of 12, 12, 10, 8 reps.
  2. Exercise 2. OLYMPIC TRICEPS EXTENSION. 4 sets of 12,12,10,8 reps.
  3. Exercise 3. CLOSE-GRIP INCLINE PRESS. 4 sets of 12,12, 10,8 reps.
  4. Exercise 4. WEIGHTED BENCH DIPS. 4 sets of 12,12,10,8 reps.
Jun 15, 2018

What exercise hits all 3 bicep heads? ›

The Weighted Chin Up hits all three functions of the bicep: elbow supination, elbow flexion and shoulder flexion. We can utilize an intensity technique if we pair up the Weighted Chin Up with heavier weights in a drop set with the Peak Contraction Chin Up.

Do skull crushers hit all tricep heads? ›

Skull crushers work all three heads of the tricep but the medial head is the main driver. This exercise can be performed with dumbbells barbells, EZ bar, and the cable machine, and can be done on a bench or on the floor.

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Incline Skull Crushers

Perform skull crushers on an inclined Adjustable Weight Bench to emphasise the long head of the triceps. This variation puts more stretch on the muscle during the movement.

Which bicep head makes arm look bigger? ›

The short head is usually the part of your biceps which helps to make your arm look bigger and fuller. Therefore, if you are trying to put more size on your arms, train your short head. On the outside of your biceps is your long head.

Which bicep head looks bigger? ›

Yes, inner biceps can look bigger than outer biceps. This is because the inner bicep muscle is actually larger than the outer bicep muscle. The inner head of the bicep is known as the brachialis and it's located between your forearm and upper arm.

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It is responsible for pulling your arms away from your body. The long head is what gives biceps their width. The short or inner head forms the inner part of the biceps. It is responsible for bringing your arm back towards your body.

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In summary, the lateral head of the triceps is a crucial aspect of achieving well-rounded arm development, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Targeting this area with specific exercises can make a significant difference in the appearance of your arms and your performance in various upper body exercises.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.