12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing  (2024)

Life, in all its complexity, can often present us with deeply impactful experiences – some that uplift us, and others that leave lasting scars. For many of us, particularly women, it’s the harrowing ordeals like sexual abuse, exploitation, and betrayal that etch deep marks in our psyche.

The weight of these experiences turns into trauma, quietly residing within our bodies and minds.

For many women, it’s like carrying an invisible backpack that gets heavier with each passing day. But that does not mean we need to accept this as our fate forever. It is possible to process and work through your trauma so you don’t have to carry it around in quite the same way.

The concept of trauma release exercises is not just a trend but a transformative journey towards healing.

It’s about acknowledging that our bodies, which so resiliently bear the brunt of our emotional storms, hold the key to our liberation from past traumas.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (1)

These traumas, whether big or small, leave imprints on our physical selves. Think of it as a clenched fist inside you, holding on tightly to these experiences.

The beauty of trauma release is in learning to unclench that fist, gently and compassionately.

One of the most powerful methods of releasing trauma is through movement – specifically, exercises that encourage your body to ‘shake off’ the trauma.

This isn’t just a metaphor. Animals in the wild literally shake to release the energy after a traumatic event, instinctively moving the trauma out of their system. As humans, we’ve somewhat lost this natural mechanism amid societal norms and expectations.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (2)

However, it’s never too late to reconnect with this innate healing ability.

The exercises we’re about to explore are designed to help you ‘close the cycle’ of traumatic experiences. They are not just physical movements; they are gateways to letting your body express and release what has been held in silence for too long.

As you start out on this journey, remember, healing is not linear. It’s a path filled with ups and downs, but every step forward is a movement towards a lighter, freer you.

Table of Contents

  • Why Is Movement Important for Healing?
  • 12 Effective Trauma Release Exercises
    • Neurogenic Tremoring Yoga for Trauma Release in the Hips
    • Dorsal Vagal Stimulation Exercise
    • Grounding Yoga Poses
    • Psoas Muscle Stretch
    • TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) by Dr. David Berceli
    • Guided Somatic Experiencing
    • Tai Chi for Balance
    • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
    • Breathwork for Emotional Release
    • Gentle Pilates for Core Stability
    • Mindful Walking Meditation
    • Dance Therapy
  • Can You Do These Exercises on Your Own, or Do You Need a Professional?
  • More Healing Resources

Why Is Movement Important for Healing?

In the aftermath of traumatic experiences, particularly those as deeply affecting as sexual abuse, recovering from an abusive childhood or traumatic events such as a car accident, it’s common to find ourselves in a state of disassociation.

This is more than just a mental or emotional response; it’s a physical one, where we become disconnected from our own bodies.

It’s as if our minds, in an effort to protect us from pain, build invisible walls between our consciousness and our physical selves. This disconnection can leave us feeling lost, numb, and, paradoxically, both trapped in and alienated from our own bodies.

Reconnecting with our body is not just beneficial but essential on the path to healing. It’s about re-establishing trust with ourselves, learning to listen to our body’s needs, and honoring its boundaries and strengths.

Movement, in any form, becomes a powerful tool in this journey. Simple acts like starting to do yoga or engaging in mindful stretching can have profound effects.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (3)

These activities are more than physical exercises; they are acts of reclamation, of taking back control and ownership of our body.

Incorporating movement into our healing process is a testament to the fact that recovery is a holistic journey. While talk therapy plays its own role in addressing mental and emotional aspects, our physical selves require attention and care too.

Movement allows us to gently explore and mend the connection between mind and body. It gives us a way to express, release, and even transform the trauma that resides within us, without the need for words.

As we take part in these physical activities, we’re not just moving our bodies; we’re shifting energies, perspectives, and, ultimately, our relationship with ourselves.

It’s a process of reawakening, a reminder that our bodies are not just archives of past traumas but vessels of resilience, strength, and healing.

In embracing a holistic approach to healing, we acknowledge that our recovery is multidimensional.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (4)

It’s a blend of mental, emotional, and physical nurturing. Movement, in this context, becomes a vital piece of the puzzle – a gentle yet powerful way to heal, one step, one breath, one movement at a time.

12 Effective Trauma Release Exercises

Let’s walk this path together with these 12 simple trauma release exercises and methods. They are simple, doable, and deeply transformative.

Each exercise, carefully chosen and designed, is more than just a physical activity – it’s a step towards profound healing and self-discovery.

These exercises are simple enough to be approachable, yet they hold the power to bring about deep, meaningful change.

These exercises can be a transformative experience, offering a way to gently yet effectively work through the layers of trauma.

They are doable, designed to fit into various lifestyles and capabilities, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their experience with physical activity or therapy, can participate. But their simplicity does not diminish their impact as each movement, breath, and moment of mindfulness can contribute to releasing the burdens of the past, paving the way for a lighter, more peaceful future.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (5)

As you integrate these exercises into your routine, remember that healing is a personal journey.

These exercises are tools to guide and support you, but it’s your own inner strength and resilience that drive the process.

With each stretch, breath, and movement, you’re not just releasing trauma; you’re reclaiming your body, your mind, and your life.

So, let’s take these steps together, embracing the simplicity and transformative power of these practices, and move towards a place of greater peace and well-being.

Neurogenic Tremoring Yoga for Trauma Release in the Hips

Neurogenic tremoring, particularly in the context of yoga, can be a powerful method for releasing trauma stored in the body, especially in the hips, which are often referred to as a storage area for negative emotions and stress.

This form of yoga integrates neurogenic tremors – involuntary, therapeutic shaking – into specific yoga poses that target the hip area. The practice is designed to activate the body’s natural reflex mechanism for releasing muscular tension and trauma.

Benefits:This approach can be particularly effective for releasing deep muscular patterns of stress and trauma stored in the hips. It aids in reducing chronic stress, alleviating physical pain, and can be beneficial for those dealing with anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder.

How to Do It:

Preparation with Hip-Opening Yoga Poses:Begin with gentle hip-opening poses like Pigeon Pose, Butterfly Pose, or Frog Pose to warm up and bring awareness to the hip area.

Initiating Neurogenic Tremors:After the initial stretching, transition into a position that allows for the natural onset of tremors. This can be done by lying on the back with the feet flat on the ground and the knees bent, gently allowing the legs to shake.

Mindful Observation and Breathing:While experiencing tremors, focus on deep, mindful breathing, and observe the sensations in the body without judgment. It’s important to allow the tremors to occur naturally without forcing them.

Integration and Grounding:After the tremoring, engage in grounding activities like deep breathing or lying flat on the back (Savasana), allowing the nervous system to settle and integrate the experience.

Neurogenic tremoring yoga is a powerful self-help tool that taps into the body’s natural way of releasing tension and trauma. It’s recommended to practice this under the guidance of a certified TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) provider or a yoga instructor trained in trauma-sensitive practices. As with all trauma-related practices, it’s crucial to approach this exercise with self-compassion and to be mindful of personal limits, stopping if the experience becomes overwhelming.

Dorsal Vagal Stimulation Exercise

Dorsal vagal stimulation is an important concept in trauma therapy, particularly within the framework of the Polyvagal Theory developed by Dr. Stephen Porges. This theory explains how the vagus nerve, which is part of the autonomic nervous system, influences our response to stress, safety, and danger.

The dorsal vagal complex, one component of the vagus nerve, is associated with the ‘freeze’ response to stress or trauma. Here’s how it can be integrated into a trauma release exercise:

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (6)

This exercise involves activities that stimulate the dorsal vagal nerve, aiming to reset the body’s response to stress and create a sense of safety and relaxation.

Benefits:Dorsal vagal stimulation can help shift the body out of the ‘freeze’ response associated with trauma, reducing feelings of numbness or shutdown. It can also aid in regulating the nervous system, leading to reduced anxiety and improved emotional balance.

How to Do It:

Deep and Slow Breathing:Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing with an emphasis on slow, prolonged exhales. This type of breathing can activate the vagus nerve and promote a relaxation response.

Mindful Engagement with the Environment:Engage in activities that foster a sense of safety and grounding, like walking in nature, gentle stretching, or even safe, nurturing social interactions.

Humming or Singing:The vibration from humming or singing can stimulate the vagus nerve. These activities can be both calming and grounding.

Yoga and Mindful Movement:Gentle forms of yoga that emphasize body awareness and breathwork can also stimulate the dorsal vagal nerve and help in releasing deep-seated trauma.

Incorporating these activities into a regular practice can be a powerful tool in trauma therapy. It’s important to approach these exercises gently and, if possible, under the guidance of a therapist or practitioner familiar with trauma and the Polyvagal Theory. Remember, the goal is to create a sense of safety and relaxation in the body, countering the often overwhelming ‘freeze’ response experienced in trauma.

Grounding Yoga Poses

Grounding yoga poses, like Mountain Pose or Child’s Pose, help in reconnecting with the body and bringing awareness to the present moment.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (7)

Grounding yoga poses act as a body-based technique to bring awareness back to the present moment, a fundamental step in trauma recovery. These poses help the practitioner to reconnect with their body, often disassociated due to traumatic experiences. The act of focusing on deep breaths and maintaining a pose allows for a gentle release of muscle tension, especially beneficial for those who have experienced physical symptoms of trauma. By practicing grounding yoga, individuals can cultivate feelings of peace and stability, counteracting the flight response often triggered by trauma.

Benefits:These poses can calm the mind, reduce nervous system hyperarousal, and alleviate muscular tension.

How to Do It

When engaging in grounding yoga poses, focus on the sensation of your feet or body touching the ground. This physical connection with the earth can be a powerful tool for grounding. Pay attention to your breathing, allowing each inhale to bring in calmness and each exhale to release tension.

Hold each pose for several breaths, and with each exhale, visualize letting go of the stress and trauma residing within you.

Choose a comfortable position, focus on your breath, and gently move into the pose. Maintain the pose while taking deep, mindful breaths.

Psoas Muscle Stretch

The psoas muscle, crucial in stress response, can be relaxed through specific stretches, returning the body to a state of balance.

The psoas muscle, often referred to as the ‘muscle of the soul,’ is deeply connected to our fight or flight response. A psoas stretch can significantly impact the body’s response to stress, allowing for a release of deep-seated emotional pain.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (8)

Stretching this muscle can help address unresolved trauma that manifests as chronic physical discomfort, especially in the lower back. This simple technique can be a powerful tool for personal health, offering a pathway to release tension and achieve a state of balance.

The psoas muscle, often described as one of the most important muscles in the body, is located in the lower lumbar region of the spine. It extends through the pelvis to the femur. There are actually two psoas muscles: the psoas major and the psoas minor.

Both muscles are deeply interconnected with the body’s physical, emotional, and energetic systems. When the body experiences stress or trauma, the psoas muscle often contracts or tightens, which can lead to various physical and emotional imbalances. Releasing tension from the psoas can be an important aspect of holistic health and trauma recovery.

Benefits:Releases deep muscular patterns of stress and trauma, particularly beneficial for those suffering from chronic lower back pain.

How to Do It:

To effectively stretch the psoas muscle, focus on gentle, sustained stretches rather than quick movements. Position yourself in a way that you feel a gentle pull, not pain, in the lower back and hip area. Use props like yoga blocks or cushions for support if needed. Breathing deeply during the stretch can enhance its effectiveness, helping to release emotional tension stored in the muscle.

Lie on your back, gently bring one knee towards the chest, and hold the position to feel the stretch in the lower back and hips.

TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) by Dr. David Berceli

An innovative series of exercises that activate neurogenic tremors to physically release trauma from the body.

Developed by Dr. David Berceli, TRE exercises use a series of simple exercises to initiate muscular shaking, a natural response of the body to release tension.

This innovative set of exercises targets the body’s intrinsic healing ability, tapping into neurogenic tremors – reflexive muscle vibrations – to discharge the energy accumulated during a stressful event or trauma. As a certified TRE provider might explain, these tremors help the body release deep muscular patterns of stress, leading to reduced physical and emotional stress and potentially better sleep.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (9)

Benefits:Particularly designed for post-traumatic stress disorder, TRE helps lower physical and emotional stress and enhances emotional health.

How to Do It

Start with exercises to fatigue the muscles, followed by positions that initiate therapeutic tremors.

Begin TRE with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Gradually allow your body to descend into a squatting position, then slowly rise back up. This movement helps fatigue the muscles, preparing them for tremoring. When the tremors begin, allow them to move through your body without resistance, remembering that these tremors are your body’s natural way of releasing pent-up trauma.

Guided Somatic Experiencing

A body-focused technique that involves observing bodily sensations and learning to release tension.

Somatic Experiencing, developed by Peter Levine, is a gentle therapeutic approach that focuses on bodily sensations to help release trauma. It allows individuals to explore their trauma response in a safe, controlled environment, gradually leading to its resolution.

By paying close attention to the body’s responses and using innovative techniques, this practice can alleviate symptoms of trauma, including chronic stress and emotional pain. As a result, individuals often find an increased sense of emotional balance and mental health.

Benefits:Helps resolve trauma symptoms and chronic stress, leading to peace and improved sleep.

How to Do It

Under a certified practitioner’s guidance, focus on bodily sensations and explore movements that bring relief.

Start by finding a comfortable and quiet space. Begin focusing on your breathing, then slowly shift your attention to any physical sensations in your body. If a particular sensation is linked to a traumatic memory or feeling, acknowledge it without judgment. With the guidance of a therapist, explore small movements that bring relief or a sense of safety.

Tai Chi for Balance

A martial art focusing on slow, deliberate movements and deep breathing.

Tai Chi, an ancient martial art, incorporates slow, deliberate movements with deep breathing, fostering a holistic sense of balance in the practitioner. This practice helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, reducing the hyperarousal often associated with traumatic experiences. By integrating mental focus with physical movement, Tai Chi supports the healing process, not just for physical conditions but also for emotional and mental health challenges.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (10)

Benefits:Improves mental focus, reduces anxiety, and aids in maintaining emotional and physical balance.

How to Do It:

In Tai Chi, each movement is performed slowly and with intention. Focus on the flow of movements, ensuring each transition is smooth and deliberate. Synchronize your breathing with your movements – inhale during opening movements, and exhale during closing movements. This synchronization enhances the calming effect of Tai Chi.

Practice under a qualified instructor, starting with basic forms and progressing gradually.

Related: From Mat to Life: the Empowering Journey Through Jiu Jitsu

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups to release tension.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a simple technique where individuals tense and then relax each muscle group in their body. This practice helps in identifying and releasing muscle tension – a common symptom of trauma. PMR can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing anxiety or poor sleep due to unresolved trauma. Regular practice can lead to a significant reduction in the physical symptoms of stress and trauma

Benefits:Reduces chronic pain, lowers stress levels, improves sleep, and manages anxiety.

How to Do It:

Begin from the feet, moving upwards, tensing each muscle group for a few seconds before releasing.

Lie down in a comfortable position. Start at the feet, tensing the muscles for about five seconds, then release. Notice the contrast between tension and relaxation. Move progressively up the body, repeating this process for each muscle group. It can be helpful to visualize the stress leaving your body as you exhale and relax each muscle group.

Breathwork for Emotional Release

Controlled breathing exercises that help regulate the stress response.

Breathwork involves controlled breathing techniques to influence the mental, emotional, and physical state. In the context of trauma, breathwork can be a powerful tool for managing the body’s stress response.

Deep, rhythmic breathing helps to calm the nervous system, providing relief from symptoms of trauma and reducing anxiety. It’s a simple, accessible technique that can bring about profound changes in one’s emotional health.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (11)

Benefits:Provides immediate trauma symptom relief, reduces panic attacks, and enhances overall emotional health.

How to Do It:

Practice deep, rhythmic breathing, focusing on longer exhales than inhales.

Find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Begin by taking a few normal breaths, then gradually transition to deeper, more deliberate breathing. Focus on making your exhales longer than your inhales, as this stimulates the relaxation response in the body. Incorporate pauses after each inhale and exhale if comfortable.

Gentle Pilates for Core Stability

Focuses on strengthening core muscles through low-impact exercises.

Gentle Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles, enhancing body awareness and control. This practice is particularly effective for those who have experienced trauma, as it helps in regaining a sense of control over the body.

The mindful movements in Pilates can reduce physical symptoms of trauma such as chronic fatigue and pain, while also providing a mental focus that aids in emotional healing.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (12)

Benefits:Increases body awareness, reduces chronic fatigue, and aids in emotional and physical pain recovery.

How to Do It

Begin with basic Pilates movements, focusing on alignment and breath, under a certified instructor.

Start with basic Pilates exercises focusing on the core. The key is controlled movements and breath synchronization. For example, during exercises like the pelvic curl or the hundred, focus on engaging your core muscles gently and breathing in rhythm with each movement. Precision and mindfulness in movements are more important than intensity.

Mindful Walking Meditation

Combines walking with mindfulness, focusing on movement sensations.

Mindful Walking Meditation combines the physical activity of walking with the mental practice of mindfulness. This exercise is beneficial for those who find traditional meditation challenging, as it allows for a gentle, physical expression of mindfulness. It can be particularly helpful for managing symptoms of trauma, as it encourages living in the present moment, reducing feelings of anxiety and stress.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (13)

Benefits:Grounds in the present moment, reduces chronic stress, and improves mental clarity.

How to Do It

Walk slowly, concentrate on each foot’s movement, and observe bodily sensations.

As you walk, pay attention to the sensation of your feet touching the ground. Observe the rhythm of your steps and coordinate them with your breathing. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the act of walking and breathing. This practice can be done anywhere, from a quiet path to a busy street.

Dance Therapy

Uses dance and movement to express emotions and facilitate healing.

Dance Therapy uses movement as a means of emotional expression and healing. It allows individuals to process and release emotional pain through dance, providing a safe outlet for expression. This practice can be particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma, as it helps to reconnect with the body in a joyful, liberating way. Dance therapy can lead to improved physical and mental health, offering a path to emotional release and recovery.

Benefits:Encourages emotional release, improves physical health, and effectively treats psychological issues.

How to Do It

Engage in freeform or structured dance, focusing on expressing emotions through movement.

Begin by moving your body to music that resonates with you, without any set routine or steps.

Allow your body to move freely, expressing your emotions through movement. Pay attention to how different movements make you feel, and let your body guide you. This expression of dance isn’t about technique; it’s about emotional release and reconnecting with your body.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (14)

Each of these exercises is designed to address specific aspects of trauma recovery, integrating physical movement with emotional healing and mental healing in a holistic manner.

They are designed to address different aspects of trauma, whether it’s through gentle stretching, mindful movement, or more structured exercises. Although none of these is a “magic cure” for your trauma, practicing them regularly can lead to significant improvements.

Can You Do These Exercises on Your Own, or Do You Need a Professional?

Whether you can try these trauma release exercises independently or require the guidance of a professional varies greatly depending on the individual and the nature of their trauma. Each person’s journey with trauma is unique, and what works for one may not be suitable for another.

Some exercises, like grounding yoga poses or mindful walking meditation, are generally safe to practice on your own. These activities can be a great start for those new to trauma release work or for those who feel comfortable exploring self-help tools.

However, for exercises that delve deeper into the physical and emotional realms, such as TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) by Dr. David Berceli or Guided Somatic Experiencing, it is often advisable to start under the supervision of a certified professional. These experts, whether they are certified TRE providers, mental health professionals, or therapists trained in trauma-informed practices, can offer valuable support and guidance. They can ensure that the exercises are being practiced safely and effectively, and can help navigate any intense emotions or physical sensations that may arise.

12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing (15)

The most important thing is to listen to your body and respect your own needs and limits. If you’re uncertain about where to start or if a particular exercise is right for you, consulting with a qualified health practitioner is a wise step.

The goal is to aid in healing, not to overwhelm the body or mind. As you grow more familiar with these practices and how your body responds, you may find that you can do more on your own. But especially in the beginning, and with more intensive exercises, professional guidance can be invaluable in ensuring a safe and effective healing journey.

More Healing Resources

  • 12 Recommended Best Books For Healing Childhood Trauma
  • Traumatic Events in Childhood: Understanding The trauma, Healing, and Moving Beyond Adverse Experiences
  • The Connection Between Childhood Trauma and Abandonment Issues In Relationships
  • 10 Easy Ways to Stop Intrusive Thoughts
  • Trauma Bonding: Understanding the Signs and Coping Mechanisms
12 Recommended Best Books For Healing Childhood Trauma

Anna Marikar

Website | + posts

Anna is a Wales-based writer and graduate from SOAS University of London.
As the voice behind On Your Journey, she empowers women to embrace holistic well-being and spiritual growth through her expert insights into wellness and symbolism.
When she isn't writing thought-provoking articles, you'll find her busy crafting and raising her 4 children.


12 Trauma Release Exercises For Healing & Releasing  (2024)


What are the best exercises to release trauma? ›

One of the most common types of Trauma Release Exercises is stretching, which can relieve muscle tension. These stretches might include sitting in a hip squat to release chronic stress or doing wall sits to lessen deep tension. The Spiral Technique is another common Trauma Release Exercise.

How to remove trauma from the body? ›

How to heal trauma in the body
  1. Cognitive processing therapy. Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a common therapy option for healing trauma. ...
  2. Prolonged exposure therapy. ...
  3. EMDR. ...
  4. Somatic Experiencing (SE™) ...
  5. Certain types of talk therapy. ...
  6. A movement practice.

What does trauma release feel like? ›

As you release trauma, you will feel like being more active. You will feel an increase in energy. This could make it easier to complete self-care and daily tasks as well as engage in social activities. You may feel like returning to work or seeing friends when you have been avoiding such activities.

What is the shaking exercise for trauma release? ›

TRE® includes a series of easy stretches using the muscles of the lower body and builds up a little shaking in the legs. Once the body is shaking, you lie on the floor, and encourage these natural vibrations to move through the body, without trying to control them.

Where is childhood trauma stored in the body? ›

This can happen anywhere in the body, and for trauma survivors, it is most commonly held in the core of the body, the stomach, abdomen, and low back, as well as the upper torso, chest, shoulders, and spine.

Are trauma release exercises real? ›

There are extensive clinical trials underway to verify the effectiveness of TRE, though anecdotal evidence suggests many people find it does achieve significant improvements. This includes people with PTSD as well as those with chronic illnesses connected to muscle health, such as Arthritis and Fibromyalgia.

Where does trauma live in the body? ›

Ever since people's responses to overwhelming experiences have been systematically explored, researchers have noted that a trauma is stored in somatic memory and expressed as changes in the biological stress response.

What trauma is stored in the hips? ›

Fitness professional Chitrakshi Sharma, too, suggested that the “hips are an important storage vessel of emotional stress because of the psoas' link to the adrenal glands and the location of the sacral chakra which processes emotions like fear, sadness, frustration, loss, and worry”.

How to release emotions stuck in your body? ›

Maybe you feel the need to cry, scream into a pillow, go for a swim, walk or run, dance it out, hit a punching bag, do some gardening, tapping, yoga or TRE, paint your feelings out, or simply breathe deeply while facing the sun—whatever feels cathartic in that moment, do it.

Where is sadness stored in the body? ›

The resulting body maps suggest that people often feel: anger in the head or chest. disgust in the mouth and stomach. sadness in the throat and chest.

What are signs your body is healing physically? ›

Your Muscles Are More Relaxed

When healing from trauma, the body begins to know it's safe which allows the muscles to relax. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when the body knows it's safe, but when the effects of trauma are prolonged it doesn't always activate when there is no real threat present.

Does crying help release trauma? ›

It won't rid you of PTSD and your fears, but let your tears flow and you'll maybe feel a little better afterwards. 'Crying for long periods of time releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, otherwise known as endorphins. These feel-good chemicals can help ease both physical and emotional pain.

How long should you do trauma release exercises? ›

Go slowly at the start. Learn how your body responds to the tremors. Shaking 3 times a week is a strong practice, probably no more than 10 to 15 minutes shaking after the exercises if you are new to TRE. You can gradually build up as you feel more confident – longer periods of shaking and more often.

What are the side effects of trauma release exercises? ›

Reported side effects include mild nausea and headaches if you overdo it, but TRE is generally considered to be as safe as other exercise-based stress-release practices, such as yoga.

What massage releases trauma? ›

Somatic massages help you release trauma in your body by working with the nervous system. When you receive a somatic massage, the therapist will work to release any patterns of tension that may be stored in your body. This can help to break down any barriers that have been preventing you from processing trauma.

How do you release emotional trauma? ›

Six tips for healing from emotional trauma
  1. Acknowledge the trauma. ...
  2. Seek social support. ...
  3. Seek Therapy. ...
  4. Practice self-care. ...
  5. Look forward to growth. ...
  6. Be patient with yourself.
May 16, 2023

What massage technique releases trauma? ›

Best Emotional Release Massage Techniques
  • Deep tissue massage. This technique involves applying firm pressure to release chronic tension and break up muscle and connective tissue adhesions. ...
  • Myofascial release. ...
  • Trigger point therapy. ...
  • Effleurage and petrissage. ...
  • Breathwork.

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.